jbjorne / TEES

Turku Event Extraction System
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Model has no member "structure.txt" error #12

Closed chengkun-wu closed 10 years ago

chengkun-wu commented 10 years ago

Hi Jari,

Have you ever come across the following error message: "Model has no member "structure.txt" error".

Basically, I have managed to get TEES running with a .txt input file on my Mac (Maverickes with Python 2.7.3). I then copied the whole folder to a Linux cluster (Scientific Linux with Python 2.6 (I changed the settings accordingly, tools were re-compiled). The traceback is as follows.

=== EXIT STEP PREPROCESS time: 0:01:44.932096 ===
Caching model "/mnt/fls01-home01/mjkijcw2/scratch/PWTEES/.tees/models/GE09-test" member "TEES_MODEL_VALUES.tsv" to "/tmp/431386.1.R410-short-interactive.q/tmpq_nwbB/TEES_MODEL_VALUES.tsv"
Importing detector Detectors.EventDetector
Caching model "/mnt/fls01-home01/mjkijcw2/scratch/PWTEES/.tees/models/GE09-test" member "TEES_MODEL_VALUES.tsv" to "/tmp/431386.1.R410-short-interactive.q/tmpTCpORO/TEES_MODEL_VALUES.tsv"
* EventDetector:CLASSIFY(ENTER) *
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "classify.py", line 190, in <module>
    preprocessorParams=options.preprocessorParams, bioNLPSTParams=options.bioNLPSTParams)
  File "classify.py", line 78, in classify
    detector.classify(classifyInput, model, output, goldData=goldInput, fromStep=detectorSteps["CLASSIFY"], omitSteps=omitDetectorSteps["CLASSIFY"], workDir=workDir)
  File "/mnt/lustre/mjkijcw2/PWTEES/Detectors/EventDetector.py", line 339, in classify
    xml = self.triggerDetector.classifyToXML(self.classifyData, self.model, None, workOutputTag, goldData=goldData, parse=self.parse, recallAdjust=float(self.getStr("recallAdjustParameter", self.model)))
  File "/mnt/lustre/mjkijcw2/PWTEES/Detectors/SingleStageDetector.py", line 157, in classifyToXML
    self.buildExamples(model, [data], [exampleFileName], [goldData], parse=parse, exampleStyle=exampleStyle)
  File "/mnt/lustre/mjkijcw2/PWTEES/Detectors/Detector.py", line 192, in buildExamples
  File "/mnt/lustre/mjkijcw2/PWTEES/Detectors/StructureAnalyzer.py", line 526, in load
    filename = model.get(filename)
  File "/mnt/lustre/mjkijcw2/PWTEES/Core/Model.py", line 214, in get
    raise IOError("Model has no member \"" + name + "\"")
IOError: Model has no member "structure.txt"

I was originally running using the following command

python classify.py -m GE11 -i PMC_unicode_replaced.txt -o test

I noticed that there is no such GE11 model. It will work if I change the model to be GE11-devel. Not sure why.

python classify.py -m GE11-devel -i PMC_unicode_replaced.txt -o test

Many thanks!
