jbjorne / TEES

Turku Event Extraction System
147 stars 44 forks source link

some linking missing #31

Open SeekPoint opened 5 years ago

SeekPoint commented 5 years ago

Five protein-protein interaction corpora

urlBase = "http://mars.cs.utu.fi/PPICorpora/" URL["AIMed_LEARNING_FORMAT"] = urlBase + "AImed-learning-format.xml.gz" URL["BioInfer_LEARNING_FORMAT"] = urlBase + "BioInfer-learning-format.xml.gz" URL["HPRD50_LEARNING_FORMAT"] = urlBase + "HPRD50-learning-format.xml.gz" URL["IEPA_LEARNING_FORMAT"] = urlBase + "IEPA-learning-format.xml.gz" URL["LLL_LEARNING_FORMAT"] = urlBase + "LLL-learning-format.xml.gz" URL["PPI_EVALUATION_STANDARD"] = urlBase + "ppi-eval-standard-0.9.2b.tar.gz"

urlBase = "http://www.nactem.ac.uk/tsujii/GENIA/SharedTask/dat/" URL["GE09_DEVEL"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_development_data_rev1.tar.gz" URL["GE09_TRAIN"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_training_data_rev2.tar.gz" URL["GE09_TEST"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_test_data_without_gold_annotation.tar.gz"

BioNLP'09 Evaluator

URL["GE09_EVALUATOR"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_evaluation_tools_v1.tar.gz"

BioNLP'09 Shared Task parses

urlBase = "http://www-tsujii.is.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp/GENIA/SharedTask/dat/"

URL["GE09_DEVEL_ANALYSES"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_development_analyses_rev2.tar.gz" URL["GE09_TRAIN_ANALYSES"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_training_analyses_rev2.tar.gz" URL["GE09_TEST_ANALYSES"] = urlBase + "bionlp09_shared_task_test_analyses_rev2.tar.gz"

URL["GENIA_SENTENCE_SPLITTER"] = "http://www.nactem.ac.uk/y-matsu/geniass/geniass-1.00.tar.gz"
URL["BANNER_SOURCE"] = "http://banner.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/banner/trunk/?view=tar"

jbjorne commented 5 years ago

Which link is missing? What error are you getting?

SeekPoint commented 5 years ago

I copy it on the above

I cannot access those files while I run config.py

jbjorne commented 5 years ago

As a random test, at least "http://www.nactem.ac.uk/tsujii/GENIA/SharedTask/dat/bionlp09_shared_task_development_data_rev1.tar.gz" is accessible just fine. Be more specific about the error you are seeing.

SeekPoint commented 5 years ago

now, other is OK but this one:

URL["BANNER_SOURCE"] = "http://banner.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/banner/trunk/?view=tar"

jbjorne commented 5 years ago

Which version of TEES are you using? The configure.py program is not using that link anymore to install BANNER, but instead downloads a precompiled version. Please try the latest TEES version from https://github.com/jbjorne/TEES/tarball/master and see if that works.