jbjorne / TEES

Turku Event Extraction System
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where is the CPR corpus named CP-17? #33

Open CV2014 opened 5 years ago

CV2014 commented 5 years ago

Only BioNLP09-13 and DDI 11-13 can be found, where is the CP17 training set and test set?

jbjorne commented 5 years ago

The CP17 corpus can be automatically downloaded and converted with TEES, but since this corpus isn't published with an open license, it cannot be included in the installer. To download and convert the corpus from the original files, you can use the preprocessor command:

python preprocess.py -s CONVERT_CHEMPROT,DIVIDE_SETS -o /tmp/CP17

If you want to do the rest of the TEES preprocessing (sentence splitting, parsing etc.) you can combine this with the default preprocessing commands: