jbjorne / TEES

Turku Event Extraction System
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Difference between pre-trained models with suffix '-devel' and '-test' #34

Open Mu-Y opened 4 years ago

Mu-Y commented 4 years ago


I am running classify.py with different pre-trained models. I read from the wiki that when suffix is omitted, the '-test' will be used as default. So I'm using the following two commands:

python classify.py -i GE09-devel -m GE09 -o GE09-devel python classify.py -i GE09-devel -m GE09-devel -o GE09-devel-usingDevelModel

The f1 scores are quite different though(the second one is much lower than the first one). Is this expected? Can you kindly explain the difference between the two pre-trained models: 'GE09' and 'GE09-devel'? If possible, can you tell me which model is used for your reported f1 scores here? Appreciate your help!
