jbkinney / mavenn

MAVE-NN: genotype-phenotype maps from multiplex assays of variant effect
MIT License
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restore_best_weights #25

Open evanseitz opened 2 years ago

evanseitz commented 2 years ago

added True as default, per J.K.'s recommendation

atareen commented 2 years ago

Hi Evan, did you run all tests and tutorials prior to this PR?

evanseitz commented 2 years ago

Hi Ammar, it's programmed in as a default argument (True); any call to the function with this argument missing in the past shouldn't be affected

atareen commented 2 years ago

Hi Evan, in general please run tests and ensure all tutorials work before pull requests, especially if the PR involves enhancements and not hot-fixes or patch-fixes related to breaking changes. Whenever possible, please write your own tests demonstrating that your code works as expected.
