Open mwillumz opened 8 years ago
There's some css issues, I'll try to fix this. Have you a reproducible example for test?
Sure (though I'm not sure how to best drop the rmarkdown file in here. An *.Rmd file that looks like the following will mask the slider while switching to output: html_document reveals it.
title: Example
vertical_layout: scroll
### Chart 1
library(highcharter); library(dplyr)
highchart() %>%
hc_chart(type = "column") %>%
hc_yAxis(max = 6, min = 0) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "A", data = c(2,3,4), zIndex = -10) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "B",
data = list(
list(sequence = c(1,2,3,4)),
list(sequence = c(3,2,1,3)),
list(sequence = c(2,5,4,3))
)) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "C",
data = list(
list(sequence = c(3,2,1,3)),
list(sequence = c(2,5,4,3)),
list(sequence = c(1,2,3,4))
)) %>%
hc_motion(enabled = TRUE,
labels = 2000:2003,
series = c(1,2))
Somewhat counter intuitively it appears that the "play-controls" div should not be nested within the html-widget div but instead follow it. I'm honestly not sure how to make this change in your package (otherwise I happily would).
Any news on this? Have the same problem here using flexdashboard with rows orientation.
Also getting this issue in a shiny dashboard... can't figure out a way to move the motion button. Did you find any way @Morais14 ?
Also getting this issue in a shiny dashboard... can't figure out a way to move the motion button. Did you find any way @Morais14 ?
Unfortunately I didn't find a solution to the problem.
I'm able to create highcharter widgets and include them in markdown output. However, in a format such as flexboards I notice that the slider is just below the content. In fact, this is true for standard html output as well and the slider often overlaps with the following content.