jbkunst / highcharter

R wrapper for highcharts
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date x axis not working/formating for "heatmap" #779

Open zackarno opened 1 year ago

zackarno commented 1 year ago

Hello, thanks for the great package !

It seems like creating and formatting a date x-axis on a "heatmap" either does not work as expected or it follows a different syntax than other charts?


# create some fake data
dataset <- tibble(
  # will show example using date in both formates (date, dt below)
  date = seq(as.Date("2017-01-01"), as.Date("2017-02-01"), by = 1),
  dt = datetime_to_timestamp(date),
  numeric_fill = sample(1000:2000, size = 32),
  numeric_x = sample(c(1:8), size = 32,replace = T),
  categoric_y = sample(LETTERS[1:5],32, replace = T),


plot with categorical data on x axis - works as expected

plot_categorical_x <- hchart(dataset,
               hcaes(x = numeric_x, y = categoric_y,value=numeric_fill)

plot with date on x axis - sort of works.

plot_date_x <- hchart(dataset,
                hcaes(x = date, y = categoric_y,value=numeric_fill)

However, can't seem to format x-axis -- even though the tooltip can be formatted as expected

# here i try formatting x-axis and nothing happens - however, it does work in the tooltip
plot_date_x |> 
  hc_xAxis(dateTimeLabelFormats = list(month = "%m-%Y"), 
           type = "datetime") |> 
  hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "{point.x:%m-%Y}")

I try another a variation on dateTimeLabelFormats - still nothing changes

plot_date_x |> 
  hc_xAxis( dateTimeLabelFormats = list(day = '%d dayview', week = '%d weekview'), 
           type = "datetime") |> 
  hc_tooltip(pointFormat = "{point.x:%m-%Y}")

now we try using the dt variable created withdatetime_to_timestamp(date) and the values of the heatmap completely disappear. Adding hc_xAxis() and adjusting parameters (not shown) does nothing to bring back the data

plot_dt_x <- hchart(dataset,
                hcaes(x = dt, y = categoric_y,value=numeric_fill)


Created on 2022-10-25 by the reprex package (v2.0.1)

stale[bot] commented 3 months ago

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