jbkunst / highcharter

R wrapper for highcharts
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xts / shiny / boosting support #8

Closed TonyDIRL closed 8 years ago

TonyDIRL commented 8 years ago


Really nice package, appreciate the detailed introduction with the extended examples and incorporating piping I had some questions: Does the library support plotting xts directly (like dygrpahs). How would I pass an intraday POSIXct object directly? Does the library have shiny integration? Does the library incorporate the new boost module from highcharts? http://www.highcharts.com/articles/2-news/175-highcharts-performance-boost

Awesome package.

Cheers, Anthony

ziyadsaeed commented 8 years ago

shiny support is a must nowadays

jbkunst commented 8 years ago

@TonyDIRL @ziyadsaeed

Hi everyone!

(Highcharter shiny app code: https://github.com/jbkunst/shiny-apps/tree/master/highcharter)

TonyDIRL commented 8 years ago

Thanks for the swift response and the shiny example.

Here is a reproducible example of plotting an xts object with dygraphs, highchart (rcharts) and highcharter.


ProdData <- xts(runif(100,0,1), seq(as.POSIXct("2016-01-04 08:00:00"),  
                                     as.POSIXct("2016-01-04 08:01:00"), length = 100),tz="GMT")

HCGraph <- Highcharts$new()
HCGraph$series(data = toJSONArray2(CombData,    json = F, names = F),type = "line")
HCGraph$xAxis(type = "datetime"); 
HCGraph$chart(zoomType = "x");

highchart() %>% hc_add_serie_ts(CombData$Price, CombData$Time,name = "Data")
highchart() %>% hc_add_serie_ts(ProdData$Price, index(ProdData),name = "Data")

Note, for highcharter, I tried passing the intraday time directly and converting the intraday time to numeric, neither work.

jbkunst commented 8 years ago


Ok, Internaly what we need to do is convert the datetime to timestamps and then create the data put in the serieobject.

This will be the code to create the hc_add_serie_xts(xtsobject). So thanks ;).

By now you can do something like the next code until I add the funcionality to plot xts objects.


ProdData <- xts(runif(100,0,1), seq(as.POSIXct("2016-01-04 08:00:00"),  
                                    as.POSIXct("2016-01-04 08:01:00"),
                                    length = 100),tz="GMT")

timestamps <- time(ProdData) %>%
  as.POSIXct() %>% 
values <- as.numeric(ProdData)

ds <- list.parse2(data.frame(timestamps, values))

highchart() %>%
  hc_xAxis(type = "datetime") %>%
  hc_add_serie(marker = list(enabled = FALSE), 
               data = ds, name = "data")

I will close this issue and I'll add plot xts object in the issue #7