jblang / TMS9918A

TMS9918A video card for RC2014
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Assembler files are not compiling with z80asm #7

Closed mfueger closed 3 years ago

mfueger commented 3 years ago


First of, thank you for the awesome work you do!

I am on a Mac trying to compile the asm examples with z80asm. Here is what I am getting:

z80asm sprite.asm -o sprite.bin

tms.asm:258: warning: expression fully enclosed in parenthesis z180.asm:25: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CNTLA0 equ 00h ; ASCI0 CONTROL A ) z180.asm:26: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CNTLA1 equ 01h ; ASCI1 CONTROL A ) z180.asm:27: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CNTLB0 equ 02h ; ASCI0 CONTROL B ) z180.asm:28: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CNTLB1 equ 03h ; ASCI1 CONTROL B ) z180.asm:29: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_STAT0 equ 04h ; ASCI0 STATUS ) z180.asm:30: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_STAT1 equ 05h ; ASCI1 STATUS ) z180.asm:31: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TDR0 equ 06h ; ASCI0 TRANSMIT ) z180.asm:32: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TDR1 equ 07h ; ASCI1 TRANSMIT ) z180.asm:33: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RDR0 equ 08h ; ASCI0 RECEIVE ) z180.asm:34: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RDR1 equ 09h ; ASCI1 RECEIVE ) z180.asm:35: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CNTR equ 0Ah ; CSI/O CONTROL ) z180.asm:36: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TRDR equ 0Bh ; CSI/O TRANSMIT/RECEIVE ) z180.asm:37: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TMDR0L equ 0Ch ; TIMER 0 DATA LO ) z180.asm:38: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TMDR0H equ 0Dh ; TIMER 0 DATA HI ) z180.asm:39: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RLDR0L equ 0Eh ; TIMER 0 RELOAD LO ) z180.asm:40: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RLDR0H equ 0Fh ; TIMER 0 RELOAD HI ) z180.asm:41: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TCR equ 10h ; TIMER CONTROL ) z180.asm:42: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASEXT0 equ 12h ; ASCI0 EXTENSION CONTROL (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:43: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASEXT1 equ 13h ; ASCI1 EXTENSION CONTROL (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:44: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TMDR1L equ 14h ; TIMER 1 DATA LO ) z180.asm:45: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_TMDR1H equ 15h ; TIMER 1 DATA HI ) z180.asm:46: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RLDR1L equ 16h ; TIMER 1 RELOAD LO ) z180.asm:47: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RLDR1H equ 17h ; TIMER 1 RELOAD HI ) z180.asm:48: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_FRC equ 18h ; FREE RUNNING COUNTER ) z180.asm:49: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASTC0L equ 1Ah ; ASCI0 TIME CONSTANT LO (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:50: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASTC0H equ 1Bh ; ASCI0 TIME CONSTANT HI (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:51: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASTC1L equ 1Ch ; ASCI1 TIME CONSTANT LO (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:52: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ASTC1H equ 1Dh ; ASCI1 TIME CONSTANT HI (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:53: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CMR equ 1Eh ; CLOCK MULTIPLIER (LATEST Z8S180) ) z180.asm:54: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CCR equ 1Fh ; CPU CONTROL (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:55: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_SAR0L equ 20h ; DMA0 SOURCE ADDR LO ) z180.asm:56: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_SAR0H equ 21h ; DMA0 SOURCE ADDR HI ) z180.asm:57: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_SAR0B equ 22h ; DMA0 SOURCE ADDR BANK ) z180.asm:58: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DAR0L equ 23h ; DMA0 DEST ADDR LO ) z180.asm:59: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DAR0H equ 24h ; DMA0 DEST ADDR HI ) z180.asm:60: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DAR0B equ 25h ; DMA0 DEST ADDR BANK ) z180.asm:61: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_BCR0L equ 26h ; DMA0 BYTE COUNT LO ) z180.asm:62: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_BCR0H equ 27h ; DMA0 BYTE COUNT HI ) z180.asm:63: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_MAR1L equ 28h ; DMA1 MEMORY ADDR LO ) z180.asm:64: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_MAR1H equ 29h ; DMA1 MEMORY ADDR HI ) z180.asm:65: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_MAR1B equ 2Ah ; DMA1 MEMORY ADDR BANK ) z180.asm:66: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_IAR1L equ 2Bh ; DMA1 I/O ADDR LO ) z180.asm:67: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_IAR1H equ 2Ch ; DMA1 I/O ADDR HI ) z180.asm:68: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_IAR1B equ 2Dh ; DMA1 I/O ADDR BANK (Z8S180) ) z180.asm:69: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_BCR1L equ 2Eh ; DMA1 BYTE COUNT LO ) z180.asm:70: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_BCR1H equ 2Fh ; DMA1 BYTE COUNT HI ) z180.asm:71: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DSTAT equ 30h ; DMA STATUS ) z180.asm:72: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DMODE equ 31h ; DMA MODE ) z180.asm:73: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_DCNTL equ 32h ; DMA/WAIT CONTROL ) z180.asm:74: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_IL equ 33h ; INTERRUPT VECTOR LOAD ) z180.asm:75: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ITC equ 34h ; INT/TRAP CONTROL ) z180.asm:76: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_RCR equ 36h ; REFRESH CONTROL ) z180.asm:77: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CBR equ 38h ; MMU COMMON BASE REGISTER ) z180.asm:78: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_BBR equ 39h ; MMU BANK BASE REGISTER ) z180.asm:79: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_CBAR equ 3Ah ; MMU COMMON/BANK AREA REGISTER ) z180.asm:80: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_OMCR equ 3Eh ; OPERATION MODE CONTROL ) z180.asm:81: error: command or comment expected (was Z180_ICR equ 3Fh ; I/O CONTROL REGISTER ) sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_DCNTL sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CCR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CMR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CCR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CMR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CCR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CMR sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CCR ; check clock divider sprite.asm:219: error: unable to resolve reference: Z180_CMR ; check clock multiplier 66 errors found

I would appreciate any advice you have to get this working for me.


mfueger commented 3 years ago

Sorry for double-posting