jblas-project / jblas

Linear Algebra for Java
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Configure fails on AArch64: Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: daxpy_, dgemm_ #79

Open soumitrachatterjee opened 8 years ago

soumitrachatterjee commented 8 years ago

Trying to configure on Linux/AArch64 fails as follows:

$ ./configure --lapack=../lapack --static-libs --lapack-build --built-type=lapack --libpath=../lapack
checking for java, javac... ok
determining operating system... ok (Linux)
determining architecture... ok (aarch64)
determining architecture flavor... ok
looking for nm... ok
locating the Java Development Kit... ok (/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-arm64)
Setting up gcc and flags... ok (gcc)
deciding whether to use g77 or gfortran... ok (gfortran)
looking for version of make... ok (make)
search for lapack sources (configure by --lapack=dir)... ok (../lapack)
determining build type... ok (static)
getting library path...... ok (["../lapack"])
determining whether to build for lapack or atlas... ok (lapack)
looking for libraries...... *failed*

Configuration failed!

Reason: Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: daxpy_, dgemm_.

Note that the lapack directory above is as downloaded from http://www.netlib.org/lapack

Trying to configure using the download option $ ./configure --static-libs --download-lapack also fails:

determining whether to build for lapack or atlas... ok (atlas)
looking for libraries...... *failed*

Configuration failed!

Reason: Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: dsyev_, ATL_dgemm, dgemm_, daxpy_, cblas_daxpy, ATL_caxpy.

Same is the case with specifying --lapack-build:

determining whether to build for lapack or atlas... ok (lapack)
looking for libraries...... *failed*

Configuration failed!

Reason: Could not locate libraries for the following symbols: dsyev_, daxpy_, dgemm_.
ghost commented 7 years ago

Did you solve the problem? Same problem happened to me

mikiobraun commented 4 years ago

Hey there, sorry again for the late reply.

I recently released a new version 1.2.5 which now works for aarch64/arm64 (newer raspberry pis and AWS Graviton CPUs) using openblas.

Let me know how it works.