jbloomlab / dms_variants

Analyze deep mutational scanning of barcoded variants.
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rarefyBarcodes maxpoints dtype incompatibility #61

Closed khdcrawford closed 3 years ago

khdcrawford commented 3 years ago

The default value for maxpoints in the barcodes.rarefyBarcodes function is the float 10000.0. However, the dtype is specified as int and this dtype incompatibility makes the function break if there are more than 10000 barcodes.

I think this can be fixed just by changing the default maxpoints value to the int 10000. I can do this and submit a PR if that'd be best?

jbloom commented 3 years ago

That sounds great, and thanks for finding problem! Also add to CHANGELOG and increment version number at the last digit in __init__.py.

khdcrawford commented 3 years ago

For future information, it looks like Python interprets scientific notation as floats (and I dropped a 0 in my original post), so the default was actually set as 1e5. I've changed it to 100000 and have incremented the CHANGELOG and __init__.py. This is fixed in PR #62