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update CI (again) #223

Closed 2bndy5 closed 1 year ago

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

Opening this to discuss changes to the CI workflow...

The main motivation here is to reduce the workflow run time by implementing task 1. Contributions from #220 and #219 will be retained.

jbms commented 1 year ago

I think it would definitely be useful to have a script to run to execute all of the lint/format checks. I suppose right now we have some checks via npm run commands but the Python checks are not included there. We could pin the versions in dev-requirements.txt

I'm not familiar with the pre-commit python package. In general I don't use actual git pre-commit hooks myself --- with the way I work with git, I want creating a commit to be a lightweight operation and not have it run tests as part of it. I may often initially commit a work in progress and then amend/rebase later to fix it.

Code coverage and avoiding duplicate CI triggers sounds good.

As far as waiting until the lint checks pass to run the OS specific tests --- at the moment there doesn't seem to be an issue with the amount of github actions usage, though I suppose it might become an issue in the future. Sometimes it is annoying to skip other tests just due to formatting errors.

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

We could pin the versions in dev-requirements.txt

This is better maintained via pre-commit config. But, if you're not going to use pre-commit locally (which will still work fine), then we'd have to specify the dev tools' versions in both dev-requirements.txt and .pre-commit-config.yaml

As far as waiting until the lint checks pass to run the OS specific tests --- at the moment there doesn't seem to be an issue with the amount of github actions usage, though I suppose it might become an issue in the future.

With #220 merged, it would be more convenient to have a single job prevent entering a matrix. Otherwise, each job in the matrix could fail independently and unanimously because the beginning steps (lint/format checks) are all identical.

Sometimes it is annoying to skip other tests just due to formatting errors.

This is a good point, but I prefer the CI workflow be as strict for push events as would be expected for release events.

BTW, the fourth point (referring to @mhostetter suggestion) would limit triggers to PRs targetting main and any push event on main. So, a push event on a dev branch (without an open PR to main) wouldn't incur CI runs. At least that's how I understand it.

PS - We're already at 66% coverage 🎉 IDK if you're keen to uploading coverage reports to codecov.io (which would probably require you're authorization), but if not, I can just add a CI summary of the coverage results instead using GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY.

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

I forgot to mention that pre-commit can be used to programmatically check for things that can be easily missed like

All of these checks (AKA "pre-commit hooks") can be configured to narrow the scope from the entire repo to certain paths. For instance, I don't want pre-commit to focus on anything inherited from upstream (npm run check is adequate to handle that stuff)