jbms / sphinx-immaterial

Adaptation of the popular mkdocs-material material design theme to the sphinx documentation system
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WARNING: Parameter name 'foo' does not match any of the parameters defined in the signature: ['a', 'kwargs'] #226

Closed hille721 closed 1 year ago

hille721 commented 1 year ago

Not sure if this is a sphinx-immaterial issue, but at least this warning just appears when using this theme. I'm using Google Docstring Format and so the Sphinx napoleon extension.


extensions = [
html_theme = 'sphinx_immaterial'


def a_function_with_kwargs(a: str, **kwargs) -> str:

    """Google Docstring Style.

        a: a argument

    Keyword Args:
        foo (str): a keyword argument
        bar (str): another keyword argument

        a result

    return a

Detailed logs:

[app] emitting event: 'env-purge-doc'(<sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment object at 0x7faf39588b50>, 'index')
[app] emitting event: 'source-read'('index', [".. test documentation master file, created by\n   sphinx-quickstart on Tue Feb 28 10:17:
[autodoc] /home/hille/sphinx-test/docs/index.rst:9: input:
.. autofunction:: foo.a_function_with_kwargs
[autodoc] from foo import a_function_with_kwargs
[autodoc] import foo => <module 'foo' from '/home/hille/sphinx-test/docs/./../foo.py'>
[autodoc] getattr(_, 'a_function_with_kwargs')
[autodoc] => <function a_function_with_kwargs at 0x7faf38083160>
[app] emitting event: 'autodoc-before-process-signature'(<function a_function_with_kwargs at 0x7faf38083160>, False)
[app] emitting event: 'autodoc-process-signature'('function', 'foo.a_function_with_kwargs', <function a_function_with_kwargs at 0x7faf38083160>, {}, 
[app] emitting event: 'autodoc-process-docstring'('function', 'foo.a_function_with_kwargs', <function a_function_with_kwargs at 0x7faf38083160>, {}, 
[autodoc] output:

.. py:function:: a_function_with_kwargs(a: str, **kwargs) -> str
   :module: foo

   Google Docstring Style.

   :param a: a argument

   :keyword foo: a keyword argument
   :kwtype foo: str
   :keyword bar: another keyword argument
   :kwtype bar: str

   :returns: a result

[app] emitting event: 'object-description-transform'('py', 'function', <desc_content: <paragraph...><field_list...>>)
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.field_name' to have source and line: <field_name ids="foo.a_function_with_kwargs-parameters">Parameters</field_name>
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.term' to have rawsource: <term ids="foo.a_function_with_kwargs.a" paramname="a" toc_title="a"><desc_sig_n...
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.field_name' to have source and line: <field_name ids="foo.a_function_with_kwargs-keyword-arguments">Keyword Arguments...
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.term' to have rawsource: <term paramname="foo" paramtype="str"><desc_name classes="sig-name descname" xml...
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.term' to have rawsource: <term paramname="bar" paramtype="str"><desc_name classes="sig-name descname" xml...
[i18n] PATCH: 'docutils.nodes.field_name' to have source and line: <field_name ids="foo.a_function_with_kwargs-returns">Returns</field_name>
[app] emitting event: 'doctree-read'(<document: <comment...><section "welcome to test's documentation!"...>>,)

[app] emitting event: 'env-updated'(<sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment object at 0x7faf39588b50>,)
/home/hille/sphinx-test/foo.py:docstring of foo.a_function_with_kwargs:1: WARNING: Parameter name 'foo' does not match any of the parameters defined in the signature: ['a', 'kwargs']
/home/hille/sphinx-test/foo.py:docstring of foo.a_function_with_kwargs:1: WARNING: Parameter name 'bar' does not match any of the parameters defined in the signature: ['a', 'kwargs']
2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

This is because the the documented args foo and bar don't appear in the signature. It would be fine if the signature was written like so:

    a: str,
    foo: str = "",
    bar: str = "",
) -> str

This warning is specific to sphinx-immaterial because this theme tries to cross-link parameter desciptions in the docstring with parameter declarations in the signature.

To disable the theme's behavior about cross-linking parameters, I think you have to disable the include_in_toc setting for python parameters:

object_description_options = [
    ("py:param", dict(include_in_toc=False)),

Although, this suggestion might be inaccurate.

This problem is related to the proposed solution in #112 which was never implemented/resolved.

jbms commented 1 year ago

I don't think include_in_toc will avoid this warning. However, you could just add a rule to sphinx to ignore this warning.

hille721 commented 1 year ago

I don't think include_in_toc will avoid this warning. However, you could just add a rule to sphinx to ignore this warning.

Make sense. Also don't see any side effect. Thanks.

Btw, already went live with the new theme today. Thanks for this amazing project!

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

For other passersby, given the suppress_warnings config's doc, which warning type would this fall under?

jbms commented 1 year ago

I'm actually not sure what warning type it would be. It would be better if you could just specify a regular expression...

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

Given the debug output in OP, I would think the warning type would be app (or app.event-emitted), but that would be too generic.

It would be nice to use regex... The zephyr project uses a in-house extension to filter out warnings that can't be avoided from doxygen+breathe.

2bndy5 commented 1 year ago

I'm closing this as a better comprehensive solution is being tracked in #112