jbogers / ziggogo-epg

An EPG graber for Ziggo TVHeadend users
GNU General Public License v3.0
8 stars 2 forks source link

Export XMLTV per channel and in total #3

Open ldymek opened 2 years ago

ldymek commented 2 years ago


in the file mode, is it possible to export to separate XMLTV per channel (for example channel_id.xml channel_id.xml mtv.xml) and merged xml which contains all channels?

jbogers commented 2 years ago

I will see if I can find time for this feature, but its low on my priority list. I first want to finish the category mapping (for TVHeadend) and add a proper setup.py script.

ldymek commented 2 years ago

Totally understand, I have ready translations from other project - from Polish to English - w/o English categories at Kodi all events are marked as movie/other.