First, Thanks for this repo, very useful for testing.
My use case is windows role testing. I only use two vm (DC + Ansible machine).
Could yo add a ansible_stable user with stable versions for ansible and python to the ansible machine?
This is what I'm doing now to use it for role testing:
cd my_role/tests/
git clone
# Creating windows domain controler and client
cd ansible-windows/vagrant/
vim inventory.yml # Comment the following:
# SERVER2008:
# ansible_host:
# vagrant_box: jborean93/WindowsServer2008-x64
# opt_domain_join_is_longhorn: yes
# SERVER2008R2:
# ansible_host:
# vagrant_box: jborean93/WindowsServer2008R2
# SERVER2012:
# ansible_host:
# vagrant_box: jborean93/WindowsServer2012
# SERVER2012R2:
# ansible_host:
# vagrant_box: jborean93/WindowsServer2012R2
pip install --upgrade --user pywinrm
vagrant plugin install winrm winrm-fs winrm-elevated # Needed in Fedora28
vagrant up
vagrant halt
vagrant snapshot save "snapshot_$(date -Is)"
vagrant up dc # If only dc is needed (my case)
# Creating linux domain client
cd ../vagrant-linux/
vim inventory.yml # Comment the following:
# UBUNTU1604:
# ansible_host:
# ansible_python_interpreter: /usr/bin/python3
# vagrant_box: ubuntu/xenial64
# ansible_package_name: 'apt'
# ansible_host:
# vagrant_box: centos/7
# ansible_package_name: 'yum'
vim main.yml # Comment python and ansible roles
vagrant up
vim Vagrantfile # Add the following synced folder before the last "end"
# config.vm.synced_folder "../../..", "/home/ansible/my_role", owner: "ansible", group: "ansible-admin"
vagrant halt
vagrant snapshot save "snapshot_$(date -Is)"
vagrant reload
# Setup done. Launch tests
vagrant ssh
sudo -u ansible -i
pip install --upgrade ansible --user
sudo dnf -y install sshpass python2-pexpect
sudo systemctl disable networkmanager
sudo systemctl mask networkmanager
sudo sh -c 'echo " dc01.domain.local dc01" >> /etc/hosts'
sudo sh -c 'echo "
search domain.local
" > /etc/resolv.conf'
cd ~/my_role/tests/
ansible-playbook main.yml -i inventory.yml
First, Thanks for this repo, very useful for testing.
My use case is windows role testing. I only use two vm (DC + Ansible machine). Could yo add a ansible_stable user with stable versions for ansible and python to the ansible machine?
This is what I'm doing now to use it for role testing: