jborean93 / smbprotocol

Python SMBv2 and v3 Client
MIT License
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Tests for copymode throwing NotImplementedError failing on macOS #119

Closed veprbl closed 3 years ago

veprbl commented 3 years ago
_______________ test_copymode_local_to_local_symlink_dont_follow _______________

tmpdir = local('/private/tmp/nix-build-python3.9-smbprotocol-1.5.1.drv-0/pytest-of-veprbl/pytest-0/test_copymode_local_to_local_s1')

    @pytest.mark.skipif((os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) or
                        (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] == 5),
                        reason="Python 3.5 errors out on os.chmod(follow_symlinks=False)")
    def test_copymode_local_to_local_symlink_dont_follow(tmpdir):
        test_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('test')
        src_filename = "%s\\source.txt" % test_dir
        dst_filename = "%s\\target.txt" % test_dir

        with open(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:
        os.chmod(src_filename, stat.S_IREAD)

        with open(dst_filename, mode='w') as fd:

        src_link = "%s\\source-link.txt" % test_dir
        dst_link = "%s\\target-link.txt" % test_dir

        os.symlink(src_filename, src_link)
        os.symlink(dst_filename, dst_link)

        expected = "chmod: follow_symlinks unavailable on this platform"
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=re.escape(expected)):
>           copymode(src_link, dst_link, follow_symlinks=False)
E           Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'NotImplementedError'>

tests/test_smbclient_shutil.py:605: Failed
____________ test_copystat_local_to_local_symlink_dont_follow_fail _____________

tmpdir = local('/private/tmp/nix-build-python3.9-smbprotocol-1.5.1.drv-0/pytest-of-veprbl/pytest-0/test_copystat_local_to_local_s1')

    @pytest.mark.skipif((os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) or
                        (sys.version_info[0] == 3 and sys.version_info[1] == 5),
                        reason="Python 3.5 errors out on os.chmod(follow_symlinks=False)")
    def test_copystat_local_to_local_symlink_dont_follow_fail(tmpdir):
        test_dir = tmpdir.mkdir('test')
        src_filename = "%s\\source.txt" % test_dir
        dst_filename = "%s\\target.txt" % test_dir

        with open(src_filename, mode='w') as fd:
        os.chmod(src_filename, stat.S_IREAD)

        with open(dst_filename, mode='w') as fd:

        src_link = "%s\\source-link.txt" % test_dir
        dst_link = "%s\\target-link.txt" % test_dir

        os.symlink(src_filename, src_link)
        os.symlink(dst_filename, dst_link)

        expected = "follow_symlinks unavailable on this platform"
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError, match=re.escape(expected)):
>           copystat(src_link, dst_link, follow_symlinks=False)
E           Failed: DID NOT RAISE <class 'NotImplementedError'>
adiroiban commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the report.

I guess that the change for this test should be

-@pytest.mark.skipif((os.name == 'nt' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) or
+@pytest.mark.skipif((os.name != 'posix' and sys.version_info[0] < 3) or

but at the same time, the automated/CI Azure Devops tests should be updated to be also executed on macOS.

From what I can see, the current configuration file only runs the tests on Linux and Windows


smbprotocol might work on macOS, but without continuous tests on macOS I think that it macOS can be considered as unofficially supported.

@jborean93 are you interested into macOS ? Do you prefer to run macOS tests via Azure Pipelines or GitHub Actions? I can help with a PR. I prefer GitHub Actions as the logs are easier to read...and you don't need extra access and permissions to Azure to re-run a job. But Azure Pipelines is super nice as with flaky tests it allows to re-run only the failed jobs. But I think that a project should not have flaky tests... so that would not be an issue with GitHub Actions :)

jborean93 commented 3 years ago

Probably easiest to just add macOS to the AZP matrix to avoid having 2 places where CI runs. I originally worked on macOS on my dev box but that's no longer. I'm fairly confident nothing is actually broken on macOS, just some tests may not work.