jborgers / PMD-jPinpoint-rules

PMD rule set for responsible Java and Kotlin coding: performance, sustainability, multi-threading, data mixup and more.
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Rule Request: SetHttpRouteSecurityExplicitly #364

Open jborgers opened 3 weeks ago

jborgers commented 3 weeks ago

Typically, in our situation we use https, and org.apache.http.conn.routing.HttpRoute and org.apache.hc.client5.http.HttpRoute both default to http. Make the security explicitly by requiring a version of the constructor which has the secure boolean.

If we can determine the https was (highly likely) intended to be used, by use of org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory or org.apache.hc.core5.http.nio.ssl.BasicClientTlsStrategy, org.apache.hc.core5.ssl.SSLContextBuilder, or javax.net.ssl.SSLContext, then this would be a BLOCKER.

So, one rule for expressing it explicitly for clarity and preventing a possible bug, and one for a likely bug.

Probably, this can be a combined rule for version 4 and 5.