In order to change how JacksonJsonProvider maps JSON ("application/json") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s).
You can use a ContextResolver implementation like this
public class MapperContextResolver implements ContextResolver<ObjectMapper> {
private final ObjectMapper mapper;
public MapperContextResolver() {
mapper = new ObjectMapper();
// do any configurations to mapper
public ObjectMapper getContext(Class<?> cls) {
return mapper;
JacksonJsonProvider expects a ObjectMapper so you cannot return a ObjectReader or ObjectWriter. So in this case you would want the ObjectMapper als a field, because then it can be created one time in the constructor or static block instead of in the getContext method which would break the ObjectMapperCreatedForEachMethodCall rule
Thanks for reporting, we will look into it. Priority is still to migrate to pmd-7 fully with little false positives. When done, this issue can be picked up.
In order to change how JacksonJsonProvider maps JSON ("application/json") content to and from Java Objects ("POJO"s). You can use a ContextResolver implementation like this
JacksonJsonProvider expects a ObjectMapper so you cannot return a ObjectReader or ObjectWriter. So in this case you would want the ObjectMapper als a field, because then it can be created one time in the constructor or static block instead of in the getContext method which would break the ObjectMapperCreatedForEachMethodCall rule