jbornschein / draw

Reimplementation of DRAW
MIT License
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Bokeh error - cannot get train-draw.py to run? #6

Closed AjayTalati closed 9 years ago

AjayTalati commented 9 years ago


I've read through your code and some of the Blocks and Fuel code, and am now I trying to run it. I installed Blocks, Fuel, etc, and tried to run your repo using,

python ./train-draw.py

I got the following error,

JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)

which does'nt seem to be anything to do with Theano, or Blocks, I think it's something to do with Bokeh?

How do you fix it? Or better still,

* can I run the code without Bokeh? *

I'd prefer to do this?

The two screen shots show the Bokeh server on the left and the python error stack on the right,





AjayTalati commented 9 years ago

OK - it's working now :: ))

I've got it working, without Bokeh simply by commenting out,

#from blocks.extensions.plot import Plot


Live plotting... plot_channels = [ ["train_nll_bound", "test_nll_bound"], ["train_klterm%d" % t for t in range(n_iter)], ["train_reconsterm%d" % t for t in range(n_iter)], ["train_total_gradient_norm", "train_total_step_norm"] ]

Will try to print interesting variables to file/screen instead.