When enabling the metrics plugin via environment variable 'AMQ_ENABLE_METRICS_PLUGIN=true'
the plugin is configured in the instance/etc/broker.xml but the metrics jar must also be copied to the instance/lib.
And that copy of the metrics jar is not done.
function injectMetricsPlugin() { instanceDir=$1 echo "Adding artemis metrics plugin" sed -i "s/^\([[:blank:]]*\)<\\/core>/\1\1<metrics-plugin class-name=\"org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin\"\\/>\\n\1<\\/core>/" $instanceDir/etc/broker.xml }
When enabling the metrics plugin via environment variable 'AMQ_ENABLE_METRICS_PLUGIN=true' the plugin is configured in the instance/etc/broker.xml but the metrics jar must also be copied to the instance/lib. And that copy of the metrics jar is not done.
function injectMetricsPlugin() { instanceDir=$1 echo "Adding artemis metrics plugin" sed -i "s/^\([[:blank:]]*\)<\\/core>/\1\1<metrics-plugin class-name=\"org.apache.activemq.artemis.core.server.metrics.plugins.ArtemisPrometheusMetricsPlugin\"\\/>\\n\1<\\/core>/" $instanceDir/etc/broker.xml }