Open gitee-shareware opened 2 years ago
it happen to me
but i dont know how to solve it
you resolve it?
Can you show a runnable test code that reproduce this error? The given information is too incomplete to give an useful feedback.
Can you show a runnable test code that reproduce this error? The given information is too incomplete to give an useful feedback.
CtMethod.make("public static int addActionInterceptor\$lambda-1( var0, var1){return addActionInterceptor\$lambda-1(var0,var1);}", ctClass)
No, that's not a runnable test code. It must be a complete .java source file and all related data.
For example, CtMethod.make
must read the bytecode (.class file) of ctClass
and check whether it declares the addAction ... lambda-1
method. It must read the bytecode of
as well.
So the test code must include those class files.
private final static addActionInterceptor$lambda-1(Lcom/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor;Lcom/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor;)I L0 LINENUMBER 62 L0 ALOAD 0 IFNONNULL L1 L2 LINENUMBER 63 L2 ICONST_M1 GOTO L3 L1 LINENUMBER 64 L1 FRAME SAME ALOAD 1 IFNONNULL L4 L5 LINENUMBER 65 L5 ICONST_1 GOTO L3 L4 LINENUMBER 66 L4 FRAME SAME ALOAD 1 INVOKEVIRTUAL com/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor.getPriority ()I ALOAD 0 INVOKEVIRTUAL com/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor.getPriority ()I ISUB L3 LINENUMBER 62 L3 FRAME SAME1 I IRETURN L6 LOCALVARIABLE o1 Lcom/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor; L0 L6 0 LOCALVARIABLE o2 Lcom/xxx/xxx/xxx/router/action/interceptor/ActionInterceptor; L0 L6 1 MAXSTACK = 2 MAXLOCALS = 2
this method is generate by java compiler
i want to use javassist add a similar method to call origin method that generate by java compiler
you mean CtMethod.make must pass paramter like java origin source?
must read the class files of all the classes that the given source code refers to.
Can you show a runnable test code that reproduce this error? The given information is too incomplete to give an useful feedback.
Any class
For example:
public class PatchTemplate implements ChangeQuickRedirect { public static final String MATCH_ALL_PARAMETER = "(\w\.)\w*"; public PatchTemplate() { } private static final Map<Object, Object> keyToValueRelation = new WeakHashMap<>(); @Override public Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return null; } @Override public boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return true; } }
public interface ChangeQuickRedirect { Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject); boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject); }
//error:javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error near "l$lambda-0(java.lang"
private CtClass createControlClass() throws Exception { CtClass controlClass = Config.classPool.get(""); String methodBody = "public static void " + "Publicinstall$lambda-0(java.lang.Throwable var0){return install$lambda-0(var0);}"; controlClass.addMethod(CtMethod.make(methodBody, controlClass)); controlClass.defrost(); return controlClass; }
Can you show a runnable test code that reproduce this error? The given information is too incomplete to give an useful feedback.
Any class
For example: `public class PatchTemplate implements ChangeQuickRedirect { public static final String MATCH_ALLPARAMETER = "(\w*.)\w_"; public PatchTemplate() { }
private static final Map<Object, Object> keyToValueRelation = new WeakHashMap<>(); @Override public Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return null; } @Override public boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return true; }
public interface ChangeQuickRedirect { Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject);
boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject);
//error:javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error near "l$lambda-0(java.lang"
private CtClass createControlClass() throws Exception { CtClass controlClass = Config.classPool.get(""); String methodBody = "public static void " + "Publicinstall$lambda-0(java.lang.Throwable var0){return install$lambda-0(var0);}"; controlClass.addMethod(CtMethod.make(methodBody, controlClass)); controlClass.defrost(); return controlClass; }
Can you show a runnable test code that reproduce this error? The given information is too incomplete to give an useful feedback.
Any class
For example: `public class PatchTemplate implements ChangeQuickRedirect { public static final String MATCH_ALLPARAMETER = "(\w*.)\w_"; public PatchTemplate() { }
private static final Map<Object, Object> keyToValueRelation = new WeakHashMap<>(); @Override public Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return null; } @Override public boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject) { return true; }
public interface ChangeQuickRedirect { Object accessDispatch(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject);
boolean isSupport(String methodName, Object[] paramArrayOfObject);
//error:javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error near "l$lambda-0(java.lang"
private CtClass createControlClass() throws Exception { CtClass controlClass = Config.classPool.get(""); String methodBody = "public static void " + "Publicinstall$lambda-0(java.lang.Throwable var0){return install$lambda-0(var0);}"; controlClass.addMethod(CtMethod.make(methodBody, controlClass)); controlClass.defrost(); return controlClass; }
error:javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error near "l$lambda-0(java.lang"
this is a library issue, and javassist does something special with the '-' symbol.
我用javassist ByteCode 的API也能规避这个问题,但后来dx.jar执行的那一步还是出错
@heweimxcz @OldSixth 这面解决了吗?可以贴一下思路吗?怎么对‘-’符号做特殊处理?
method string: public static void Publicinstall$lambda-0(java.lang.Throwable var0){return install$lambda-0(var0);}
error: javassist.CannotCompileException: [source error] syntax error near "l$lambda-0(java.lang"