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What should happen when applications call mongoClient.close()? #2

Open scottmarlow opened 9 years ago

scottmarlow commented 9 years ago

Lets say that an instance of MongoClient is bound to JNDI location "java:jboss/mongodb/test" and an application looks up the MongoClient instance and calls close on it. What should happen when close is called?

An exception is thrown perhaps, as it would be with a managed DataSource?

emmanuelbernard commented 9 years ago

That's an intersting question. The first problem is that the class return needs to be proxied. The second problem is that we need to decide if we want to be smarter than the user and take ownership of the connection pool.

I tend ot think that if the class is proxyable, we should ignore the close operations. The hard thing is say some specific objects like MongoDB's DBCollection might have pointers back to MongoClient which we would need to proxy too.

I would classify as a nice to have.

scottmarlow commented 9 years ago

I agree it would be hard to proxy, DBCollection.getDB() does return the DB and DB.getMongo() returns the Mongo (MongoClient).