jbossdemocentral / coolstore-microservice

CoolStore is a containerised polyglot microservices application consisting of services based on JBoss, NodeJS, Spring Boot, WildFly Swarm, Vert.x, Netflix OSS and more running on OpenShift
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Problem with rating-mongodb #114

Open tombolala opened 6 years ago

tombolala commented 6 years ago


my second mongodb service is not deploying. First one is running, but second aborts - this happens on OpenShift 3.7 cluster.

First service is catalog-mongodb => Waiting for MongoDB daemon up => MongoDB daemon is up

Second one fails (rating-mongodb) 2018-10-23T06:49:02.645+0000 I STORAGE [initandlisten] exception in initAndListen: 98 Unable to lock file: /var/lib/mongodb/data/mongod.lock errno:11 Resource temporarily unavailable. Is a mongod instance already running?, terminating

Ok, apparently there is already the catalog-mongodb running and both pods are on /var/lib/mongodb/data This is, however, running fine on my Notebook with Minishift:

  1. notebook running msa-cicd-eap-min (provision-demo.sh, 1.2.x)
  2. OpenShift Cluster running msa-full (Ansible, 1.2.x) no additional settings, as described on the openshift-demos-ansible page

Thanx in advance, Thomas

tqvarnst commented 6 years ago

Hi Thomas, This is probably because of a storage problem in your openshift cluster. The rating-mongodb service is using a persistant volume claim that is called rating-mongodb-pv (see https://github.com/jbossdemocentral/coolstore-microservice/blob/stable-ocp-3.10/openshift/templates/coolstore-deployments-template.yaml#L957)

You can investigate it a bit more by issuing oc get pvc rating-mongodb-pv

To verify you can override the storage claim of the mongodb using the following command:

oc volumes dc/rating-mongodb --name=mongodb-data --add -t emptyDir --overwrite -n <project-name>

and then delete the claim with the following command:

oc delete pvc rating-mongodb-pv -n <project-name>

After that the mongodb instance should start correctly (it will redeploy automatically)

Cheers Thomas

balajiraman commented 5 years ago

Just change the replicas=1 in the deployment config, it will start up just fine.