jbots / kicad-jb-public

KiCad library parts intended for inclusion in official KiCad libraries
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Add LED1642GW #10

Closed justyn closed 4 years ago

justyn commented 4 years ago

Please check or create these variations of the LED1642GW:


The existing footprints in the official library should be suitable in most cases but will need to be checked.

If any new footprints are required they will need to use the kicad-footprint-generator (for example using ipc_gullwing_generator.py with some new values in tssop.yaml).


This ticket will track the six stages of making the part(s).

Each time you start a new stage, please cut and paste the comment box for that stage into a new comment. After submitting the comment use your mouse to click the tickboxes, and use the "edit" button the comment to fill in the answers as you go. Please don't create duplicate comments.

Stage 1: Check for symbols and footprints in official libraries

Check for existing parts in kicad-symbols and kicad-footprints

Cut and paste comment box for stage 1:

Write here any symbols for this part (or write NO_EXISTING_SYMBOL):
Write here any alternative parts that are pin-compatible and could be added as an alias (or write NO_PIN_COMPATIBLE):
Write here any footprints that could already be used (or write NO_EXISTING_FOOTPRINT):

 - [ ] For any parts written above, carefully verify against the datasheet (or tick if no parts)

Stage 2: Create/modify required parts

Cut and paste comment box for stage 2:

- [ ] Check whether the footprint could be created by modifying some values in [kicad-footprint-generator](https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/) (or tick if no footprints needed)

Write here any footprints to be created/modified normally (or write NO_FOOTPRINT):
Write here any footprints to created/modified with scripting (or write NO_SCRIPTING):

Write here any symbols to be created/modified as new parts (or write NO_SYMBOL):
Write here any symbols to be added as an alias (or write NO_ALIAS):

- [ ] Make or modify the parts
- [ ] Satisfy **all** parts of the [Kicad Library Conventions](https://kicad-pcb.org/libraries/klc/)

Stage 3: Create pull request in kicad-jb-public

For the kicad-jb-public repository, both symbol and footprint are added to the same repository.

The rules for where to place the parts are different to those for the official libraries:



Create a pull request (PR) in kicad-jb-public (this repository) with the part number in the title. Make sure your branch is up to date with the repository first.

Cut and paste comment box for stage 3:

- [ ] Create a new branch in your fork of this repository (don't work on "main" branch)
Link to pull request in this repository:

Stage 4: Make any changes to allow merging into this repository

Automatic checks will be run when you create your pull request in this repository.

The parts have not passed until you see "Check symbol name" or "Check footprint name" next to the name of each symbol or footprint you have created, with a green tick.

The Kicad Library Conventions can be found here.

Any KLC rule failures must be fixed. Click on "Details" next to the failing rule for more information. If the automatic check should be ignored in this specific case, explain it below.

Important: Not all rules have an automatic test, so a part passing does not mean that it doesn't violate any rules - they must be read carefully.

Cut and paste comment box for stage 4:

Explanation of any failing checks that should be ignored (or write NO_IGNORE):
- [ ] All symbols and footprints are listed as passing, or failing checks explained

Stage 5: Create pull requests in kicad official libraries

If you've created a footprint and a symbol, a pull request will be required in both kicad-symbols and kicad-footprints

Cut and paste comment box for stage 5:

**Before** you create a pull request(s) tick off all the following

- [ ] Create a new branch in your fork of kicad-symbols or kicad-footprints (don't work on "master" branch)
- [ ] Make sure your branch is up to date
- [ ] Place the part in the correct `.pretty` directory (for a footprint) or inside the correct **existing** `.lib` file (for a symbol). Do not create a new symbol library unless it is absolutely unavoidable.
- [ ] Create screenshots of your parts for your Pull Requests [like this](https://kicad-pcb.org/img/klc/adding_screenshot.png).
- [ ] If the footprint was created with [kicad-footprint-generator](https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/), create a pull request with the new values in [that repository](https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/) **first**.


- [ ] Create pull request using template text, filling in the details and adding screenshots
- [ ] Add link to pull request for footprint in the pull request for the symbol, and vice versa

Link to kicad-footprint-generator pull request (or NO_GENERATOR_PR):
Link to footprint pull request (or NO_FOOTPRINT_PR):
Link to symbol pull request (or NO_SYMBOL_PR):

Stage 6: Make required changes for parts to be merged in official libraries

At the bottom of the PR in kicad-symbols or kicad-footprints, click "Details" next to "continuous-integration/travis-ci/pr" to see any automatic recommendations for fixes to the parts.

Make any changes requested by the Kicad librarians.

Do not request a review, or send comments asking for your part to be checked. If nobody is checking the part, add more details to the pull request, including screenshots from the datasheet (of pin tables, package dimensions etc).

Cut and paste comment box for stage 6:

**Each time you push changes to the pull request**:
- [ ] Make any changes required by the Kicad librarians to make the part suitable for inclusion in the official libraries.
- [ ] Update the part screenshots in the **same place as the originals** by editing your comment (don't create a new comment)
- [ ] Update the PR in [kicad-jb-public](https://github.com/jbots/kicad-jb-public) (this repository) along with a comment explaining what has changed
dudelectric commented 4 years ago


LED1642GWPTR - QSOP-24 : QSOP-24_3.9x8.7mm_P0.635mm.kicad_mod LED1642GWQTR - QFN-24: QFN-24-1EP_4x4mm_P0.5mm_EP2.6x2.6mm.kicad_mod LED1642GWTTR - TSSOP24: TSSOP-24_4.4x7.8mm_P0.65mm.kicad_mod LED1642GWXTTR - TSSOP24 EP: NO_EXISTING_FOOTPRINT

dudelectric commented 4 years ago


LED1642GWXTTR - TSSOP24 EP has been created with kicad-footprint-generator image image image image



dudelectric commented 4 years ago
dudelectric commented 4 years ago

Symbol LED1642GWXTTR - S5.1 - For components with a single default footprint, footprint field is filled with valid footprint Explanation: Specified footprint does not exist in Kicad footprint library repo

Footprint TSSOP-24-1EP_4.4x7.8mm_P0.65mm_EP3.2x5mm - F6.3 - Pad requirements for SMD footprints Explanation: Unreasonable error of Pad '25' missing layer Paste

Footprint TSSOP-24-1EP_4.4x7.8mm_P0.65mm_EP3.2x5mm - F9.3 - 3D model settings Explanation: 3D model directory is different from footprint directory (found 'Package_SO.3dshapes', should be 'fp.3dshapes')

dudelectric commented 4 years ago


Link to kicad-footprint-generator pull request: https://github.com/pointhi/kicad-footprint-generator/pull/601 Link to footprint pull request: https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-footprints/pull/2442 Link to symbol pull request: https://github.com/KiCad/kicad-symbols/pull/2959

dudelectric commented 4 years ago

Each time you push changes to the pull request:

justyn commented 4 years ago

Removed in favour of official libraries with 37c7db0