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improve readability of dark mode #137

Open CWempe opened 3 years ago

CWempe commented 3 years ago

When I was playing with my family everybode was pleased when I mentioned there was a dark mode.

But everybody switched back to light mode, because it was to hard to read.

I may try to see what colors work better and add a PR when I find some time.

I will look at https://material.io/design/color/dark-theme.html for inspiration. 😎

CWempe commented 3 years ago

Looks like it is not as easy to manipulate the colors as I expected. I just know a little html and css. But I cannot find where the color of the text is defined. Here? But I don't know how this works. 😄

Anyway: Here is my proposal (according to material design):




  1. main backgroud: #121212
  2. cell background: #fff; opacity: 16% (or similar)
  3. text color: #fff; opacity: 87%;


My main issue is the contrast of the cell background to the cell text. It should be more "white on back" instead of "black on grey"