jbowens / jBBCode

A lightweight but extensible BBCode parser
MIT License
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Extended Characters #28

Closed OHB closed 9 years ago

OHB commented 9 years ago

It seems that some extended characters cause the whole things to fail without error and return null when calling getAsHtml();

For example: ’

Art4 commented 9 years ago

I cannot reproduce this bug. Could you please post an example string for parse() that produces the error?

This string is parsed correctly inside my implementation.

$test = '[b]Test’[/b]';
//returns '<strong>Test’</strong>'

Update: This works also fine:

$test = '[b]Test!"§$%&/()=?²³{[]}\\,.-;:_´\'`~+#[/b]';
//returns: <strong>Test!"§$%&/()=?²³{[]}\,.-;:_´'`~+#</strong>