jbowens / jBBCode

A lightweight but extensible BBCode parser
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URL Validator does not work with Protocol-relative URLs #59

Open cstdenis opened 9 years ago

cstdenis commented 9 years ago

Somewhat related to #40

Links and images can not be used with Protocol-relative URLs because FILTER_VALIDATE_URL is too strict.

"JavaScript:alert()" style URLs also will not work for this reason, tho that is probably for the best for safety reasons.

cstdenis commented 9 years ago

Simple, somewhat hacky, workaround to the issue. Not certain if it's safe, but can't see any case where it could allow anything malicious.

    public function validate($input)
        $valid = filter_var($input, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);

+      // Simple workaround for protocol relative urls.
+      // If sticking a protocol on the front makes it valid, assume it's valid
+      if(!$valid)
+          $valid = filter_var('http:'.$input, FILTER_VALIDATE_URL);

        return !!$valid;