Open MiroBabic opened 6 years ago
Same problem.
These columns should be represented in the ModelName.column_name, or aliased_join_table.column_name notation.
I tried to use aliased_join_table.column_name but looks like it doesn't work, or which KEY I should use?
I have the same issue. It would be great if this were possible.
I have the same problem. Any solution? thank you!
My Solution was to create a fake model, which inherits from the original_table you want to search and give it the table name of the SQL-Alias.
In my case the alias was customers_invoices
(which i got from the query in the logs)
class CustomersInvoice < Customer
self.table_name = 'customers_invoices'
And in the datatable I named it
customer_invoice_name: { source: '' },
And it worked
Okay, I've solved this so the searches work across both associations on the same table.
Creating a shadow model worked to resolve the error, but search functionality was not addressed by it. Searching only worked across the first association that was joined..
# Datatable for Customer
class CustomerDatatable < AjaxDatatablesRails::ActiveRecord
def view_columns
@view_columns ||= {
id: { source: '', cond: :eq, searchable: false, orderable: false },
# other columns
ship_company: { source: '', cond: address_search, searchable: true, orderable: true },
ship_city: { source: '', cond: address_search, searchable: true, orderable: true },
bill_company: { source: '', cond: address_search, searchable: true, orderable: true },
bill_city: { source: '', cond: address_search, searchable: true, orderable: true },
def address_search
lambda do |column, search_value|
# figure out the table column and the join alias from the column name
column_parts = column.column_name.to_s.split('_')
address_type = column_parts.shift
column_name = column_parts.join('_')
table_alias = address_type == 'ship' ? 'addresses' : 'bill_addresses_customers'
# Build the sql with the correct format name rather than relying on the default `source` behaviour"#{table_alias}.#{column_name} ILIKE '%#{search_value}%'")
I figured out the alias for the bill address was bill_address_customers
just by reviewing the sql in the logs :
"customers"."id" AS t0_r0,
-- ...
INNER JOIN "addresses" ON "addresses"."id" = "customers"."ship_address_id"
INNER JOIN "addresses" "bill_addresses_customers" ON "bill_addresses_customers"."id" = "customers"."bill_address_id"
-- ...
Hello, this is my model
Showing data in table with Mission.joins(:associate).joins(:coordinator) works fine, but I cannot search because of Coordinator this is my datatable code
could you pls help me how to do correct setup for one model associated twice? The error in log is "wrong constant name Coordinator"