This PR sets up on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.
Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.
### 3.0.4
Bugs fixed
* 7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic types
* 7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9
* 7696: html: Updated jQuery version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1 for security reasons
* 7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled
* 7626: release package does not contain ``CODE_OF_CONDUCT``
### 3.0.3
Features added
* C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification.
Bugs fixed
* 7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing
its attributes
### 3.0.2
Features added
* C, parse attributes and add :confval:`c_id_attributes`
and :confval:`c_paren_attributes` to support user-defined attributes.
Bugs fixed
* 7461: py domain: fails with IndexError for empty tuple in type annotation
* 7510: py domain: keyword-only arguments are documented as having a default of
* 7418: std domain: :rst:role:`term` role could not match case-insensitively
* 7461: autodoc: empty tuple in type annotation is not shown correctly
* 7479: autodoc: Sphinx builds has been slower since 3.0.0 on mocking
* C++, fix spacing issue in east-const declarations.
* 7414: LaTeX: Xindy language options were incorrect
* sphinx crashes with ImportError on python3.5.1
### 3.0.1
Incompatible changes
* 7418: std domain: :rst:dir:`term` role becomes case sensitive
Bugs fixed
* 7428: py domain: a reference to class ``None`` emits a nitpicky warning
* 7445: py domain: a return annotation ``None`` in the function signature is
not converted to a hyperlink when using intersphinx
* 7418: std domain: duplication warning for glossary terms is case insensitive
* 7438: C++, fix merging overloaded functions in parallel builds.
* 7422: autodoc: fails with ValueError when using autodoc_mock_imports
* 7435: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='description'`` doesn't suppress typehints
in signature for classes/methods
* 7451: autodoc: fails with AttributeError when an object returns non-string
object as a ``__doc__`` member
* 7423: crashed when giving a non-string object to logger
* 7479: html theme: Do not include xmlns attribute with HTML 5 doctype
* 7426: html theme: Escape some links in HTML templates
### 3.0.0
* 7364: autosummary: crashed when :confval:`autosummary_generate` is False
* 7370: autosummary: raises UnboundLocalError when unknown module given
* 7367: C++, alternate operator spellings are now supported.
* C, alternate operator spellings are now supported.
* 7368: C++, comma operator in expressions, pack expansion in template
argument lists, and more comprehensive error messages in some cases.
* C, C++, fix crash and wrong duplicate warnings related to anon symbols.
* 6477: Escape first "!" in a cross reference linking no longer possible
* 7219: py domain: The index entry generated by ``py:function`` directive is
different with one from ``index`` directive with "builtin" type
* 7301: capital characters are not allowed for node_id
* 7301: epub: duplicated node_ids are generated
* 6564: html: a width of table was ignored on HTML builder
* 7401: Incorrect argument is passed for :event:`env-get-outdated` handlers
* 7355: autodoc: a signature of cython-function is not recognized well
* 7222: autodoc: ``__wrapped__`` functions are not documented correctly
* 7409: intersphinx: ValueError is raised when an extension sets up
:confval:`intersphinx_mapping` on :event:`config-inited` event
* 7343: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 on debug mode
### 3.0.0b1
* C++, fix cross reference lookup in certain cases involving
function overloads.
* 5078: C++, fix cross reference lookup when a directive contains multiple
* C++, suppress warnings for directly dependent typenames in cross references
generated automatically in signatures.
* 5637: autodoc: Incorrect handling of nested class names on show-inheritance
* 7267: autodoc: error message for invalid directive options has wrong location
* 7329: autodoc: info-field-list is wrongly generated from type hints into the
class description even if ``autoclass_content='class'`` set
* 7331: autodoc: a cython-function is not recognized as a function
* 5637: inheritance_diagram: Incorrect handling of nested class names
* 7139: ``code-block:: guess`` does not work
* 7325: html: source_suffix containing dot leads to wrong source link
* 7357: html: Resizing SVG image fails with ValueError
* 7278: html search: Fix use of ``html_file_suffix`` instead of
``html_link_suffix`` in search results
* 7297: html theme: ``bizstyle`` does not support ``sidebarwidth``
* 3842: singlehtml: Path to images broken when master doc is not in source root
* 7179: std domain: Fix whitespaces are suppressed on referring GenericObject
* 7289: console: use bright colors instead of bold
* 1539: C, parse array types.
* 2377: C, parse function pointers even in complex types.
* 7345: sphinx-build: Sphinx crashes if output directory exists as a file
* 7290: sphinx-build: Ignore bdb.BdbQuit when handling exceptions
* 6240: napoleon: Attributes and Methods sections ignore :noindex: option
### 2.4.4
Bugs fixed
* 7197: LaTeX: platex cause error to build image directive with target url
* 7223: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0
### 2.4.3
Bugs fixed
* 7184: autodoc: ``*args`` and ``**kwarg`` in type comments are not handled
* 7189: autodoc: classmethod coroutines are not detected
* 7183: intersphinx: ``:attr:`` reference to property is broken
* 6244, 6387: html search: Search breaks/hangs when built with dirhtml builder
* 7195: todo: emit doctree-resolved event with non-document node incorrectly
### 2.4.2
Bugs fixed
* 7138: autodoc: ``autodoc.typehints`` crashed when variable has unbound object
as a value
* 7156: autodoc: separator for keyword only arguments is not shown
* 7146: autodoc: IndexError is raised on suppressed type_comment found
* 7161: autodoc: typehints extension does not support parallel build
* 7178: autodoc: TypeError is raised on fetching type annotations
* 7151: crashed when extension assigns a value to ``env.indexentries``
* 7170: text: Remove debug print
* 7137: viewcode: Avoid to crash when non-python code given
### 2.4.1
Bugs fixed
* 7120: html: crashed when on scaling SVG images which have float dimentions
* 7126: autodoc: TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not iterable
### 2.4.0
* The ``decode`` argument of ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer()``
* ``sphinx.directives.other.Index``
* ``sphinx.environment.temp_data['gloss_entries']``
* ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.indexentries``
* ``sphinx.environment.collectors.indexentries.IndexEntriesCollector``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.INITPY``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.shall_skip()``
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer.encoding``
* ``sphinx.roles.Index``
* ``sphinx.util.detect_encoding()``
* ``sphinx.util.get_module_source()``
* ``sphinx.util.inspect.Signature``
* ``sphinx.util.inspect.safe_getmembers()``
* ````
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.contentsname``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docclass``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docname``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.title``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.DEFAULT_SETTINGS``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LUALATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.PDFLATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_GREEK_DEFAULT_FONTPKG``
Features added
* 6910: inheritance_diagram: Make the background of diagrams transparent
* 6446: duration: Add ``sphinx.ext.durations`` to inspect which documents slow
down the build
* 6837: LaTeX: Support a nested table
* 7115: LaTeX: Allow to override LATEXOPTS and LATEXMKOPTS via environment
* 6966: graphviz: Support ``:class:`` option
* 6696: html: ``:scale:`` option of image/figure directive not working for SVG
images (imagesize-1.2.0 or above is required)
* 6994: imgconverter: Support illustrator file (.ai) to .png conversion
* autodoc: Support Positional-Only Argument separator (PEP-570 compliant)
* autodoc: Support type annotations for variables
* 2755: autodoc: Add new event: :event:`autodoc-before-process-signature`
* 2755: autodoc: Support type_comment style (ex. `` type: (str) -> str``)
annotation (python3.8+ or `typed_ast <>`_
is required)
* 7051: autodoc: Support instance variables without defaults (PEP-526)
* 6418: autodoc: Add a new extension ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints``. It shows
typehints as object description if ``autodoc_typehints = "description"`` set.
This is an experimental extension and it will be integrated into autodoc core
in Sphinx-3.0
* SphinxTranslator now calls visitor/departure method for super node class if
visitor/departure method for original node class not found
* 6418: Add new event: :event:`object-description-transform`
* py domain: :rst:dir:`py:data` and :rst:dir:`py:attribute` take new options
named ``:type:`` and ``:value:`` to describe its type and initial value
* 6785: py domain: ``:py:attr:`` is able to refer properties again
* 6772: apidoc: Add ``-q`` option for quiet mode
Bugs fixed
* 6925: html: Remove redundant type="text/javascript" from <script> elements
* 7112: html: SVG image is not layouted as float even if aligned
* 6906, 6907: autodoc: failed to read the source codes encoeded in cp1251
* 6961: latex: warning for babel shown twice
* 7059: latex: LaTeX compilation falls into infinite loop (wrapfig issue)
* 6581: latex: ``:reversed:`` option for toctree does not effect to LaTeX build
* 6559: Wrong node-ids are generated in glossary directive
* 6986: apidoc: misdetects module name for .so file inside module
* 6899: apidoc: private members are not shown even if ``--private`` given
* 6327: apidoc: Support a python package consisted of file
* 6999: napoleon: fails to parse tilde in :exc: role
* 7019: gettext: Absolute path used in message catalogs
* 7023: autodoc: nested partial functions are not listed
* 7023: autodoc: partial functions imported from other modules are listed as
module members without :impoprted-members: option
* 6889: autodoc: Trailing comma in ``:members::`` option causes cryptic warning
* 6568: autosummary: ``autosummary_imported_members`` is ignored on generating
a stub file for submodule
* 7055: linkcheck: redirect is treated as an error
* 7088: HTML template: If ``navigation_with_keys`` option is activated,
modifier keys are ignored, which means the feature can interfere with browser
* 7090: std domain: Can't assign numfig-numbers for custom container nodes
* 7106: std domain: enumerated nodes are marked as duplicated when extensions
call ``note_explicit_target()``
* 7095: dirhtml: Cross references are broken via intersphinx and ``:doc:`` role
* C++:
- Don't crash when using the ``struct`` role in some cases.
- Don't warn when using the ``var``/``member`` role for function
- Render call and braced-init expressions correctly.
* 7097: Filenames of images generated by
or its subclasses (used for latex build) are now sanitized,
to prevent broken paths
### 2.3.1
Bugs fixed
* 6936: sphinx-autogen: raises AttributeError
### 2.3.0
Incompatible changes
* 6742: ``end-before`` option of :rst:dir:`literalinclude` directive does not
match the first line of the code block.
* 1331: Change default User-Agent header to ``"Sphinx/X.Y.Z requests/X.Y.Z
python/X.Y.Z"``. It can be changed via :confval:`user_agent`.
* 6867: text: content of admonitions starts after a blank line
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.util.texescape.tex_escape_map``
* ``sphinx.util.texescape.tex_hl_escape_map_new``
* ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.no_contractions``
Features added
* 6707: C++, support bit-fields.
* 267: html: Eliminate prompt characters of doctest block from copyable text
* 6548: html: Use favicon for OpenSearch if available
* 6729: html theme: agogo theme now supports ``rightsidebar`` option
* 6780: Add PEP-561 Support
* 6762: latex: Allow to load additonal LaTeX packages via ``extrapackages`` key
of :confval:`latex_elements`
* 1331: Add new config variable: :confval:`user_agent`
* 6000: LaTeX: have backslash also be an inline literal word wrap break
* 4186: LaTeX: Support upLaTeX as a new :confval:`latex_engine` (experimental)
* 6812: Improve a warning message when extensions are not parallel safe
* 6818: Improve Intersphinx performance for multiple remote inventories.
* 2546: apidoc: .so file support
* 6798: autosummary: emit ``autodoc-skip-member`` event on generating stub file
* 6483: i18n: make explicit titles in toctree translatable
* 6816: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_auth` option to provide
authentication information when doing ``linkcheck`` builds
* 6872: linkcheck: Handles HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect
* 6613: html: Wrap section number in span tag
* 6781: gettext: Add :confval:`gettext_last_translator' and
:confval:`gettext_language_team` to customize headers of POT file
Bugs fixed
* 6668: LaTeX: Longtable before header has incorrect distance
(refs: `latex3/latex2e173`_)
.. _latex3/latex2e173:
* 6618: LaTeX: Avoid section names at the end of a page
* 6738: LaTeX: Do not replace unicode characters by LaTeX macros on unicode
supported LaTeX engines: ¶, §, €, ∞, ±, →, ‣, –, superscript and subscript
digits go through "as is" (as default OpenType font supports them)
* 6704: linkcheck: Be defensive and handle newly defined HTTP error code
* 6806: linkcheck: Failure on parsing content
* 6655: image URLs containing ``data:`` causes gettext builder crashed
* 6584: i18n: Error when compiling message catalogs on Hindi
* 6718: i18n: KeyError is raised if section title and table title are same
* 6743: i18n: :confval:`rst_prolog` breaks the translation
* 6708: mathbase: Some deprecated functions have removed
* 6709: autodoc: mock object does not work as a class decorator
* 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links
* 6712: Allow not to install sphinx.testing as runtime (mainly for ALT Linux)
* 6741: html: search result was broken with empty :confval:`html_file_suffix`
* 6001: LaTeX does not wrap long code lines at backslash character
* 6804: LaTeX: PDF build breaks if admonition of danger type contains
code-block long enough not to fit on one page
* 6809: LaTeX: code-block in a danger type admonition can easily spill over
bottom of page
* 6793: texinfo: Code examples broken following "sidebar"
* 6813: An orphan warning is emitted for included document on Windows. Thanks
to drillan
* 6850: Fix smartypants module calls re.sub() with wrong options
* 6824: HTML search: If a search term is partially matched in the title and
fully matched in a text paragraph on the same page, the search does not
include this match.
* 6848: shouldn't pop extensions from overrides
* 6867: text: extra spaces are inserted to hyphenated words on folding lines
* 6886: LaTeX: xelatex converts straight double quotes into right curly ones
(shows when :confval:`smartquotes` is ``False``)
* 6890: LaTeX: even with smartquotes off, PDF output transforms straight
quotes and consecutive hyphens into curly quotes and dashes
* 6876: LaTeX: multi-line display of authors on title page has ragged edges
* 6887: Sphinx crashes with docutils-0.16b0
* 6920: sphinx-build: A console message is wrongly highlighted
* 6900: sphinx-build: ``-D`` option does not considers ``0`` and ``1`` as a
boolean value
### 2.2.2
Incompatible changes
* 6803: For security reason of python, parallel mode is disabled on macOS and
Bugs fixed
* 6776: LaTeX: 2019-10-01 LaTeX release breaks :file:`sphinxcyrillic.sty`
* 6815: i18n: French, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese and Korean translation messages
has been broken
* 6803: parallel build causes AttributeError on macOS and Python3.8
### 2.2.1
Bugs fixed
* 6641: LaTeX: Undefined control sequence ``\sphinxmaketitle``
* 6710: LaTeX not well configured for Greek language as main language
* 6759: validation of html static paths and extra paths no longer throws
an error if the paths are in different directories
### 2.2.0
Incompatible changes
* apidoc: template files are renamed to ``.rst_t``
* html: Field lists will be styled by grid layout
* ````
* ````
* The ``info`` and ``warn`` arguments of
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.merge_info()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todo_nodes()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todos()``
* ``sphinx.ext.todo.purge_todos()``
Features added
* 5124: graphviz: ``:graphviz_dot:`` option is renamed to ``:layout:``
* 1464: html: emit a warning if :confval:`html_static_path` and
:confval:`html_extra_path` directories are inside output directory
* 6514: html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes
* 5602: apidoc: Add ``--templatedir`` option
* 6475: Add ``override`` argument to ``app.add_autodocumenter()``
* 6310: imgmath: let :confval:`imgmath_use_preview` work also with the SVG
format for images rendering inline math
* 6533: LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use ``\sphinxsetlistlabels``
* 6628: quickstart: Use ```` for default setting of
* 6419: sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded
Bugs fixed
* py domain: duplicated warning does not point the location of source code
* 6499: html: Sphinx never updates a copy of :confval:`html_logo` even if
original file has changed
* 1125: html theme: scrollbar is hard to see on classic theme and macOS
* 5502: linkcheck: Consider HTTP 503 response as not an error
* 6439: Make generated download links reproducible
* 6486: UnboundLocalError is raised if broken extension installed
* 6567: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_inherit_docstrings` does not effect to
``__init__()`` and ``__new__()``
* 6574: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_member_order` does not refer order of
imports when ``'bysource'`` order
* 6574: autodoc: missing type annotation for variadic and keyword parameters
* 6589: autodoc: Formatting issues with autodoc_typehints='none'
* 6605: autodoc: crashed when target code contains custom method-like objects
* 6498: autosummary: crashed with wrong autosummary_generate setting
* 6507: autosummary: crashes without no autosummary_generate setting
* 6511: LaTeX: autonumbered list can not be customized in LaTeX
since Sphinx 1.8.0 (refs: 6533)
* 6531: Failed to load last environment object when extension added
* 736: Invalid sort in pair index
* 6527: :confval:`last_updated` wrongly assumes timezone as UTC
* 5592: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive registers an index entry for
each comma separated option
* 6549: sphinx-build: Escaped characters in error messages
* 6545: doctest comments not getting trimmed since Sphinx 1.8.0
* 6561: glossary: Wrong hyperlinks are generated for non alphanumeric terms
* 6620: i18n: classifiers of definition list are not translated with
* 6474: ``DocFieldTransformer`` raises AttributeError when given directive is
not a subclass of ObjectDescription
### 2.1.2
Bugs fixed
* 6497: custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error
* 6478, 6488: info field lists are incorrectly recognized
### 2.1.1
Incompatible changes
* 6447: autodoc: Stop to generate document for undocumented module variables
Bugs fixed
* 6442: LaTeX: admonitions of :rst:dir:`note` type can get separated from
immediately preceding section title by pagebreak
* 6448: autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with ``__slots__ = None``
* 6451: autodoc: generates docs for "optional import"ed modules as variables
* 6452: autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties
* 6455: napoleon: docstrings for properties are not processed
* 6436: napoleon: "Unknown target name" error if variable name ends with
* 6440: apidoc: missing blank lines between modules
### 2.1.0
Incompatible changes
* Ignore filenames without file extension given to ``Builder.build_specific()``
API directly
* 6230: The anchor of term in glossary directive is changed if it is consisted
by non-ASCII characters
* 4550: html: Centering tables by default using CSS
* 6239: latex: xelatex and xeCJK are used for Chinese documents by default
* ``Sphinx.add_lexer()`` now takes a Lexer class instead of instance. An
instance of lexers are still supported until Sphinx-3.x.
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.directives.Acks``
* ``sphinx.directives.Author``
* ``sphinx.directives.Centered``
* ``sphinx.directives.Class``
* ``sphinx.directives.CodeBlock``
* ``sphinx.directives.Figure``
* ``sphinx.directives.HList``
* ``sphinx.directives.Highlight``
* ``sphinx.directives.Include``
* ``sphinx.directives.Index``
* ``sphinx.directives.LiteralInclude``
* ``sphinx.directives.Meta``
* ``sphinx.directives.Only``
* ``sphinx.directives.SeeAlso``
* ``sphinx.directives.TabularColumns``
* ``sphinx.directives.TocTree``
* ``sphinx.directives.VersionChange``
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ````
* ``sphinx.environment.NoUri``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_directive()``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_heading()``
* ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.makename()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockFinder``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockLoader``
* ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.mock()``
* ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.autolink_role()``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY_PREVIEW``
* ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_HEAD``
* ``sphinx.transforms.CitationReferences``
* ``sphinx.transforms.SmartQuotesSkipper``
* ``sphinx.util.docfields.DocFieldTransformer.preprocess_fieldtypes()``
* ``sphinx.util.node.find_source_node()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_files()``
* ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_source_files()``
For more details, see :ref:`deprecation APIs list <dev-deprecated-apis>`.
Features added
* Add a helper class ``sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform``
* Add helper methods
- ``PythonDomain.note_module()``
- ``PythonDomain.note_object()``
- ``SphinxDirective.set_source_info()``
* 6180: Support ``--keep-going`` with BuildDoc setup command
* ``math`` directive now supports ``:class:`` option
* todo: ``todo`` directive now supports ``:name:`` option
* Enable override via environment of ``SPHINXOPTS`` and ``SPHINXBUILD`` Makefile
variables (refs: 6232, 6303)
* 6287: autodoc: Unable to document bound instance methods exported as module
* 6289: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` now supports
``imported-members`` option
* 4777: autodoc: Support coroutine
* 744: autodoc: Support abstractmethod
* 6325: autodoc: Support attributes in __slots__. For dict-style __slots__,
autodoc considers values as a docstring of the attribute
* 6361: autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_typehints` to suppress typehints from
* 1063: autodoc: ``automodule`` directive now handles undocumented module level
* 6212 autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_imported_members` to display
imported members on autosummary
* 6271: ``make clean`` is catastrophically broken if building into '.'
* 6363: Support ``%O%`` environment variable in make.bat
* 4777: py domain: Add ``:async:`` option to :rst:dir:`py:function` directive
* py domain: Add new options to :rst:dir:`py:method` directive
- ``:abstractmethod:``
- ``:async:``
- ``:classmethod:``
- ``:property:``
- ``:staticmethod:``
* rst domain: Add :rst:dir:`directive:option` directive to describe the option
for directive
* 6306: html: Add a label to search form for accessability purposes
* 4390: html: Consistent and semantic CSS for signatures
* 6358: The ``rawsource`` property of ``production`` nodes now contains the
full production rule
* 6373: autosectionlabel: Allow suppression of warnings
* coverage: Support a new ``coverage_ignore_pyobjects`` option
* 6239: latex: Support to build Chinese documents
Bugs fixed
* 6230: Inappropriate node_id has been generated by glossary directive if term
is consisted by non-ASCII characters
* 6213: ifconfig: contents after headings are not shown
* commented term in glossary directive is wrongly recognized
* 6299: rst domain: rst:directive directive generates waste space
* 6379: py domain: Module index (py-modindex.html) has duplicate titles
* 6331: man: invalid output when doctest follows rubric
* 6351: "Hyperlink target is not referenced" message is shown even if
* 6165: autodoc: ``tab_width`` setting of docutils has been ignored
* 6347: autodoc: crashes with a plain Tuple on Python 3.6 and 3.5
* 6311: autosummary: autosummary table gets confused by complex type hints
* 6350: autosummary: confused by an argument having some kind of default value
* Generated Makefiles lack a final EOL (refs: 6232)
* 6375: extlinks: Cannot escape angle brackets in link caption
* 6378: linkcheck: Send commonly used User-Agent
* 6387: html search: failed to search document with haiku and scrolls themes
* 6408: html search: Fix the ranking of search results
* 6406: Wrong year is returned for ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH``
* 6402: image directive crashes by unknown image format
* 6286: C++, allow 8 and 9 in hexadecimal integer literals.
* 6305: Fix the string in quickstart for 'path' argument of parser
* LaTeX: Figures in admonitions produced errors (refs: 6364)
### 2.0.1
Bugs fixed
* LaTeX: some system labels are not translated
* RemovedInSphinx30Warning is marked as pending
* deprecation warnings are not emitted
- sphinx.application.CONFIG_FILENAME
- :confval:`viewcode_import`
* 6208: C++, properly parse full xrefs that happen to have a short xref as
* 6220, 6225: napoleon: AttributeError is raised for raised section having
* 6245: circular import error on importing SerializingHTMLBuilder
* 6243: LaTeX: 'releasename' setting for latex_elements is ignored
* 6244: html: Search function is broken with 3rd party themes
* 6263: html: HTML5Translator crashed with invalid field node
* 6262: html theme: The style of field lists has changed in bizstyle theme
### 2.0.0
* 6196: py domain: unexpected prefix is generated
### 2.0.0b2
* Add a helper function: ``sphinx.testing.restructuredtext.parse()``
### 2.0.0b1
* Stop to use ``SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR`` envvar
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Homepage:
### 3.1.1
* :bug:`548` Restore ``--non-interactive`` as a flag not expecting an
### 3.1.0
* :feature:`547` Add support for specifying ``--non-interactive`` as an
environment variable.
### 3.0.0
* :feature:`336` When a client certificate is indicated, all password
processing is disabled.
* :feature:`489` Add ``--non-interactive`` flag to abort upload rather than
interactively prompt if credentials are missing.
* :feature:`524` Twine now unconditionally requires the keyring library
and no longer supports uninstalling ``keyring`` as a means to disable
that functionality. Instead, use ``keyring --disable`` keyring functionality
if necessary.
* :feature:`518` Add Python 3.8 to classifiers.
* :bug:`332 major` More robust handling of server response in
### 2.0.0
* :feature:`437` Twine now requires Python 3.6 or later. Use pip
9 or pin to "twine<2" to install twine on older Python versions.
* :bug:`491 major` Require requests 2.20 or later to avoid reported security
vulnerabilities in earlier releases.
### 1.15.0
* :feature:`488` Improved output on ``check`` command:
Prints a message when there are no distributions given to check.
Improved handling of errors in a distribution's markup, avoiding
messages flowing through to the next distribution's errors.
- PyPI:
- Changelog:
- Docs:
This PR sets up on this repo and updates all dependencies at once, in a single branch.
Subsequent pull requests will update one dependency at a time, each in their own branch. If you want to start with that right away, simply close this PR.
Update Sphinx from 1.8.5 to 3.0.4.
### 3.0.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7567: autodoc: parametrized types are shown twice for generic types * 7637: autodoc: system defined TypeVars are shown in Python 3.9 * 7696: html: Updated jQuery version from 3.4.1 to 3.5.1 for security reasons * 7611: md5 fails when OpenSSL FIPS is enabled * 7626: release package does not contain ``CODE_OF_CONDUCT`` ``` ### 3.0.3 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, parse array declarators with static, qualifiers, and VLA specification. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7516: autodoc: crashes if target object raises an error on accessing its attributes ``` ### 3.0.2 ``` ===================================== Features added -------------- * C, parse attributes and add :confval:`c_id_attributes` and :confval:`c_paren_attributes` to support user-defined attributes. Bugs fixed ---------- * 7461: py domain: fails with IndexError for empty tuple in type annotation * 7510: py domain: keyword-only arguments are documented as having a default of None * 7418: std domain: :rst:role:`term` role could not match case-insensitively * 7461: autodoc: empty tuple in type annotation is not shown correctly * 7479: autodoc: Sphinx builds has been slower since 3.0.0 on mocking * C++, fix spacing issue in east-const declarations. * 7414: LaTeX: Xindy language options were incorrect * sphinx crashes with ImportError on python3.5.1 ``` ### 3.0.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 7418: std domain: :rst:dir:`term` role becomes case sensitive Bugs fixed ---------- * 7428: py domain: a reference to class ``None`` emits a nitpicky warning * 7445: py domain: a return annotation ``None`` in the function signature is not converted to a hyperlink when using intersphinx * 7418: std domain: duplication warning for glossary terms is case insensitive * 7438: C++, fix merging overloaded functions in parallel builds. * 7422: autodoc: fails with ValueError when using autodoc_mock_imports * 7435: autodoc: ``autodoc_typehints='description'`` doesn't suppress typehints in signature for classes/methods * 7451: autodoc: fails with AttributeError when an object returns non-string object as a ``__doc__`` member * 7423: crashed when giving a non-string object to logger * 7479: html theme: Do not include xmlns attribute with HTML 5 doctype * 7426: html theme: Escape some links in HTML templates ``` ### 3.0.0 ``` * 7364: autosummary: crashed when :confval:`autosummary_generate` is False * 7370: autosummary: raises UnboundLocalError when unknown module given * 7367: C++, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * C, alternate operator spellings are now supported. * 7368: C++, comma operator in expressions, pack expansion in template argument lists, and more comprehensive error messages in some cases. * C, C++, fix crash and wrong duplicate warnings related to anon symbols. * 6477: Escape first "!" in a cross reference linking no longer possible * 7219: py domain: The index entry generated by ``py:function`` directive is different with one from ``index`` directive with "builtin" type * 7301: capital characters are not allowed for node_id * 7301: epub: duplicated node_ids are generated * 6564: html: a width of table was ignored on HTML builder * 7401: Incorrect argument is passed for :event:`env-get-outdated` handlers * 7355: autodoc: a signature of cython-function is not recognized well * 7222: autodoc: ``__wrapped__`` functions are not documented correctly * 7409: intersphinx: ValueError is raised when an extension sets up :confval:`intersphinx_mapping` on :event:`config-inited` event * 7343: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 on debug mode ``` ### 3.0.0b1 ``` * C++, fix cross reference lookup in certain cases involving function overloads. * 5078: C++, fix cross reference lookup when a directive contains multiple declarations. * C++, suppress warnings for directly dependent typenames in cross references generated automatically in signatures. * 5637: autodoc: Incorrect handling of nested class names on show-inheritance * 7267: autodoc: error message for invalid directive options has wrong location * 7329: autodoc: info-field-list is wrongly generated from type hints into the class description even if ``autoclass_content='class'`` set * 7331: autodoc: a cython-function is not recognized as a function * 5637: inheritance_diagram: Incorrect handling of nested class names * 7139: ``code-block:: guess`` does not work * 7325: html: source_suffix containing dot leads to wrong source link * 7357: html: Resizing SVG image fails with ValueError * 7278: html search: Fix use of ``html_file_suffix`` instead of ``html_link_suffix`` in search results * 7297: html theme: ``bizstyle`` does not support ``sidebarwidth`` * 3842: singlehtml: Path to images broken when master doc is not in source root * 7179: std domain: Fix whitespaces are suppressed on referring GenericObject * 7289: console: use bright colors instead of bold * 1539: C, parse array types. * 2377: C, parse function pointers even in complex types. * 7345: sphinx-build: Sphinx crashes if output directory exists as a file * 7290: sphinx-build: Ignore bdb.BdbQuit when handling exceptions * 6240: napoleon: Attributes and Methods sections ignore :noindex: option ``` ### 2.4.4 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7197: LaTeX: platex cause error to build image directive with target url * 7223: Sphinx builds has been slower since 2.4.0 ``` ### 2.4.3 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7184: autodoc: ``*args`` and ``**kwarg`` in type comments are not handled properly * 7189: autodoc: classmethod coroutines are not detected * 7183: intersphinx: ``:attr:`` reference to property is broken * 6244, 6387: html search: Search breaks/hangs when built with dirhtml builder * 7195: todo: emit doctree-resolved event with non-document node incorrectly ``` ### 2.4.2 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7138: autodoc: ``autodoc.typehints`` crashed when variable has unbound object as a value * 7156: autodoc: separator for keyword only arguments is not shown * 7146: autodoc: IndexError is raised on suppressed type_comment found * 7161: autodoc: typehints extension does not support parallel build * 7178: autodoc: TypeError is raised on fetching type annotations * 7151: crashed when extension assigns a value to ``env.indexentries`` * 7170: text: Remove debug print * 7137: viewcode: Avoid to crash when non-python code given ``` ### 2.4.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 7120: html: crashed when on scaling SVG images which have float dimentions * 7126: autodoc: TypeError: 'getset_descriptor' object is not iterable ``` ### 2.4.0 ``` ===================================== Deprecated ---------- * The ``decode`` argument of ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer()`` * ``sphinx.directives.other.Index`` * ``sphinx.environment.temp_data['gloss_entries']`` * ``sphinx.environment.BuildEnvironment.indexentries`` * ``sphinx.environment.collectors.indexentries.IndexEntriesCollector`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.INITPY`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.shall_skip()`` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.pycode.ModuleAnalyzer.encoding`` * ``sphinx.roles.Index`` * ``sphinx.util.detect_encoding()`` * ``sphinx.util.get_module_source()`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.Signature`` * ``sphinx.util.inspect.safe_getmembers()`` * ```` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.contentsname`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docclass`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.docname`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.settings.title`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.ADDITIONAL_SETTINGS`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.DEFAULT_SETTINGS`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LUALATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.PDFLATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.XELATEX_GREEK_DEFAULT_FONTPKG`` Features added -------------- * 6910: inheritance_diagram: Make the background of diagrams transparent * 6446: duration: Add ``sphinx.ext.durations`` to inspect which documents slow down the build * 6837: LaTeX: Support a nested table * 7115: LaTeX: Allow to override LATEXOPTS and LATEXMKOPTS via environment variable * 6966: graphviz: Support ``:class:`` option * 6696: html: ``:scale:`` option of image/figure directive not working for SVG images (imagesize-1.2.0 or above is required) * 6994: imgconverter: Support illustrator file (.ai) to .png conversion * autodoc: Support Positional-Only Argument separator (PEP-570 compliant) * autodoc: Support type annotations for variables * 2755: autodoc: Add new event: :event:`autodoc-before-process-signature` * 2755: autodoc: Support type_comment style (ex. `` type: (str) -> str``) annotation (python3.8+ or `typed_ast <>`_ is required) * 7051: autodoc: Support instance variables without defaults (PEP-526) * 6418: autodoc: Add a new extension ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.typehints``. It shows typehints as object description if ``autodoc_typehints = "description"`` set. This is an experimental extension and it will be integrated into autodoc core in Sphinx-3.0 * SphinxTranslator now calls visitor/departure method for super node class if visitor/departure method for original node class not found * 6418: Add new event: :event:`object-description-transform` * py domain: :rst:dir:`py:data` and :rst:dir:`py:attribute` take new options named ``:type:`` and ``:value:`` to describe its type and initial value * 6785: py domain: ``:py:attr:`` is able to refer properties again * 6772: apidoc: Add ``-q`` option for quiet mode Bugs fixed ---------- * 6925: html: Remove redundant type="text/javascript" from <script> elements * 7112: html: SVG image is not layouted as float even if aligned * 6906, 6907: autodoc: failed to read the source codes encoeded in cp1251 * 6961: latex: warning for babel shown twice * 7059: latex: LaTeX compilation falls into infinite loop (wrapfig issue) * 6581: latex: ``:reversed:`` option for toctree does not effect to LaTeX build * 6559: Wrong node-ids are generated in glossary directive * 6986: apidoc: misdetects module name for .so file inside module * 6899: apidoc: private members are not shown even if ``--private`` given * 6327: apidoc: Support a python package consisted of file * 6999: napoleon: fails to parse tilde in :exc: role * 7019: gettext: Absolute path used in message catalogs * 7023: autodoc: nested partial functions are not listed * 7023: autodoc: partial functions imported from other modules are listed as module members without :impoprted-members: option * 6889: autodoc: Trailing comma in ``:members::`` option causes cryptic warning * 6568: autosummary: ``autosummary_imported_members`` is ignored on generating a stub file for submodule * 7055: linkcheck: redirect is treated as an error * 7088: HTML template: If ``navigation_with_keys`` option is activated, modifier keys are ignored, which means the feature can interfere with browser features * 7090: std domain: Can't assign numfig-numbers for custom container nodes * 7106: std domain: enumerated nodes are marked as duplicated when extensions call ``note_explicit_target()`` * 7095: dirhtml: Cross references are broken via intersphinx and ``:doc:`` role * C++: - Don't crash when using the ``struct`` role in some cases. - Don't warn when using the ``var``/``member`` role for function parameters. - Render call and braced-init expressions correctly. * 7097: Filenames of images generated by ``sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.images.ImageConverter`` or its subclasses (used for latex build) are now sanitized, to prevent broken paths ``` ### 2.3.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 6936: sphinx-autogen: raises AttributeError ``` ### 2.3.0 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 6742: ``end-before`` option of :rst:dir:`literalinclude` directive does not match the first line of the code block. * 1331: Change default User-Agent header to ``"Sphinx/X.Y.Z requests/X.Y.Z python/X.Y.Z"``. It can be changed via :confval:`user_agent`. * 6867: text: content of admonitions starts after a blank line Deprecated ---------- * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.util.texescape.tex_escape_map`` * ``sphinx.util.texescape.tex_hl_escape_map_new`` * ``sphinx.writers.latex.LaTeXTranslator.no_contractions`` Features added -------------- * 6707: C++, support bit-fields. * 267: html: Eliminate prompt characters of doctest block from copyable text * 6548: html: Use favicon for OpenSearch if available * 6729: html theme: agogo theme now supports ``rightsidebar`` option * 6780: Add PEP-561 Support * 6762: latex: Allow to load additonal LaTeX packages via ``extrapackages`` key of :confval:`latex_elements` * 1331: Add new config variable: :confval:`user_agent` * 6000: LaTeX: have backslash also be an inline literal word wrap break character * 4186: LaTeX: Support upLaTeX as a new :confval:`latex_engine` (experimental) * 6812: Improve a warning message when extensions are not parallel safe * 6818: Improve Intersphinx performance for multiple remote inventories. * 2546: apidoc: .so file support * 6798: autosummary: emit ``autodoc-skip-member`` event on generating stub file * 6483: i18n: make explicit titles in toctree translatable * 6816: linkcheck: Add :confval:`linkcheck_auth` option to provide authentication information when doing ``linkcheck`` builds * 6872: linkcheck: Handles HTTP 308 Permanent Redirect * 6613: html: Wrap section number in span tag * 6781: gettext: Add :confval:`gettext_last_translator' and :confval:`gettext_language_team` to customize headers of POT file Bugs fixed ---------- * 6668: LaTeX: Longtable before header has incorrect distance (refs: `latex3/latex2e173`_) .. _latex3/latex2e173: * 6618: LaTeX: Avoid section names at the end of a page * 6738: LaTeX: Do not replace unicode characters by LaTeX macros on unicode supported LaTeX engines: ¶, §, €, ∞, ±, →, ‣, –, superscript and subscript digits go through "as is" (as default OpenType font supports them) * 6704: linkcheck: Be defensive and handle newly defined HTTP error code * 6806: linkcheck: Failure on parsing content * 6655: image URLs containing ``data:`` causes gettext builder crashed * 6584: i18n: Error when compiling message catalogs on Hindi * 6718: i18n: KeyError is raised if section title and table title are same * 6743: i18n: :confval:`rst_prolog` breaks the translation * 6708: mathbase: Some deprecated functions have removed * 6709: autodoc: mock object does not work as a class decorator * 5070: epub: Wrong internal href fragment links * 6712: Allow not to install sphinx.testing as runtime (mainly for ALT Linux) * 6741: html: search result was broken with empty :confval:`html_file_suffix` * 6001: LaTeX does not wrap long code lines at backslash character * 6804: LaTeX: PDF build breaks if admonition of danger type contains code-block long enough not to fit on one page * 6809: LaTeX: code-block in a danger type admonition can easily spill over bottom of page * 6793: texinfo: Code examples broken following "sidebar" * 6813: An orphan warning is emitted for included document on Windows. Thanks to drillan * 6850: Fix smartypants module calls re.sub() with wrong options * 6824: HTML search: If a search term is partially matched in the title and fully matched in a text paragraph on the same page, the search does not include this match. * 6848: shouldn't pop extensions from overrides * 6867: text: extra spaces are inserted to hyphenated words on folding lines * 6886: LaTeX: xelatex converts straight double quotes into right curly ones (shows when :confval:`smartquotes` is ``False``) * 6890: LaTeX: even with smartquotes off, PDF output transforms straight quotes and consecutive hyphens into curly quotes and dashes * 6876: LaTeX: multi-line display of authors on title page has ragged edges * 6887: Sphinx crashes with docutils-0.16b0 * 6920: sphinx-build: A console message is wrongly highlighted * 6900: sphinx-build: ``-D`` option does not considers ``0`` and ``1`` as a boolean value ``` ### 2.2.2 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 6803: For security reason of python, parallel mode is disabled on macOS and Python3.8+ Bugs fixed ---------- * 6776: LaTeX: 2019-10-01 LaTeX release breaks :file:`sphinxcyrillic.sty` * 6815: i18n: French, Hindi, Chinese, Japanese and Korean translation messages has been broken * 6803: parallel build causes AttributeError on macOS and Python3.8 ``` ### 2.2.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 6641: LaTeX: Undefined control sequence ``\sphinxmaketitle`` * 6710: LaTeX not well configured for Greek language as main language * 6759: validation of html static paths and extra paths no longer throws an error if the paths are in different directories ``` ### 2.2.0 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * apidoc: template files are renamed to ``.rst_t`` * html: Field lists will be styled by grid layout Deprecated ---------- * ```` * ```` * The ``info`` and ``warn`` arguments of ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate.generate_autosummary_docs()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_info()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.generate._simple_warn()`` * ``sphinx.ext.todo.merge_info()`` * ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todo_nodes()`` * ``sphinx.ext.todo.process_todos()`` * ``sphinx.ext.todo.purge_todos()`` Features added -------------- * 5124: graphviz: ``:graphviz_dot:`` option is renamed to ``:layout:`` * 1464: html: emit a warning if :confval:`html_static_path` and :confval:`html_extra_path` directories are inside output directory * 6514: html: Add a label to search input for accessability purposes * 5602: apidoc: Add ``--templatedir`` option * 6475: Add ``override`` argument to ``app.add_autodocumenter()`` * 6310: imgmath: let :confval:`imgmath_use_preview` work also with the SVG format for images rendering inline math * 6533: LaTeX: refactor visit_enumerated_list() to use ``\sphinxsetlistlabels`` * 6628: quickstart: Use ```` for default setting of :confval:`intersphinx_mapping` * 6419: sphinx-build: give reasons why rebuilded Bugs fixed ---------- * py domain: duplicated warning does not point the location of source code * 6499: html: Sphinx never updates a copy of :confval:`html_logo` even if original file has changed * 1125: html theme: scrollbar is hard to see on classic theme and macOS * 5502: linkcheck: Consider HTTP 503 response as not an error * 6439: Make generated download links reproducible * 6486: UnboundLocalError is raised if broken extension installed * 6567: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_inherit_docstrings` does not effect to ``__init__()`` and ``__new__()`` * 6574: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_member_order` does not refer order of imports when ``'bysource'`` order * 6574: autodoc: missing type annotation for variadic and keyword parameters * 6589: autodoc: Formatting issues with autodoc_typehints='none' * 6605: autodoc: crashed when target code contains custom method-like objects * 6498: autosummary: crashed with wrong autosummary_generate setting * 6507: autosummary: crashes without no autosummary_generate setting * 6511: LaTeX: autonumbered list can not be customized in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.8.0 (refs: 6533) * 6531: Failed to load last environment object when extension added * 736: Invalid sort in pair index * 6527: :confval:`last_updated` wrongly assumes timezone as UTC * 5592: std domain: :rst:dir:`option` directive registers an index entry for each comma separated option * 6549: sphinx-build: Escaped characters in error messages * 6545: doctest comments not getting trimmed since Sphinx 1.8.0 * 6561: glossary: Wrong hyperlinks are generated for non alphanumeric terms * 6620: i18n: classifiers of definition list are not translated with docutils-0.15 * 6474: ``DocFieldTransformer`` raises AttributeError when given directive is not a subclass of ObjectDescription ``` ### 2.1.2 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * 6497: custom lexers fails highlighting when syntax error * 6478, 6488: info field lists are incorrectly recognized ``` ### 2.1.1 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * 6447: autodoc: Stop to generate document for undocumented module variables Bugs fixed ---------- * 6442: LaTeX: admonitions of :rst:dir:`note` type can get separated from immediately preceding section title by pagebreak * 6448: autodoc: crashed when autodocumenting classes with ``__slots__ = None`` * 6451: autodoc: generates docs for "optional import"ed modules as variables * 6452: autosummary: crashed when generating document of properties * 6455: napoleon: docstrings for properties are not processed * 6436: napoleon: "Unknown target name" error if variable name ends with underscore * 6440: apidoc: missing blank lines between modules ``` ### 2.1.0 ``` ===================================== Incompatible changes -------------------- * Ignore filenames without file extension given to ``Builder.build_specific()`` API directly * 6230: The anchor of term in glossary directive is changed if it is consisted by non-ASCII characters * 4550: html: Centering tables by default using CSS * 6239: latex: xelatex and xeCJK are used for Chinese documents by default * ``Sphinx.add_lexer()`` now takes a Lexer class instead of instance. An instance of lexers are still supported until Sphinx-3.x. Deprecated ---------- * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.directives.Acks`` * ``sphinx.directives.Author`` * ``sphinx.directives.Centered`` * ``sphinx.directives.Class`` * ``sphinx.directives.CodeBlock`` * ``sphinx.directives.Figure`` * ``sphinx.directives.HList`` * ``sphinx.directives.Highlight`` * ``sphinx.directives.Include`` * ``sphinx.directives.Index`` * ``sphinx.directives.LiteralInclude`` * ``sphinx.directives.Meta`` * ``sphinx.directives.Only`` * ``sphinx.directives.SeeAlso`` * ``sphinx.directives.TabularColumns`` * ``sphinx.directives.TocTree`` * ``sphinx.directives.VersionChange`` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ```` * ``sphinx.environment.NoUri`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_directive()`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.format_heading()`` * ``sphinx.ext.apidoc.makename()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockFinder`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.MockLoader`` * ``sphinx.ext.autodoc.importer.mock()`` * ``sphinx.ext.autosummary.autolink_role()`` * ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY`` * ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_BODY_PREVIEW`` * ``sphinx.ext.imgmath.DOC_HEAD`` * ``sphinx.transforms.CitationReferences`` * ``sphinx.transforms.SmartQuotesSkipper`` * ``sphinx.util.docfields.DocFieldTransformer.preprocess_fieldtypes()`` * ``sphinx.util.node.find_source_node()`` * ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog()`` * ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_files()`` * ``sphinx.util.i18n.find_catalog_source_files()`` For more details, see :ref:`deprecation APIs list <dev-deprecated-apis>`. Features added -------------- * Add a helper class ``sphinx.transforms.post_transforms.SphinxPostTransform`` * Add helper methods - ``PythonDomain.note_module()`` - ``PythonDomain.note_object()`` - ``SphinxDirective.set_source_info()`` * 6180: Support ``--keep-going`` with BuildDoc setup command * ``math`` directive now supports ``:class:`` option * todo: ``todo`` directive now supports ``:name:`` option * Enable override via environment of ``SPHINXOPTS`` and ``SPHINXBUILD`` Makefile variables (refs: 6232, 6303) * 6287: autodoc: Unable to document bound instance methods exported as module functions * 6289: autodoc: :confval:`autodoc_default_options` now supports ``imported-members`` option * 4777: autodoc: Support coroutine * 744: autodoc: Support abstractmethod * 6325: autodoc: Support attributes in __slots__. For dict-style __slots__, autodoc considers values as a docstring of the attribute * 6361: autodoc: Add :confval:`autodoc_typehints` to suppress typehints from signature * 1063: autodoc: ``automodule`` directive now handles undocumented module level variables * 6212 autosummary: Add :confval:`autosummary_imported_members` to display imported members on autosummary * 6271: ``make clean`` is catastrophically broken if building into '.' * 6363: Support ``%O%`` environment variable in make.bat * 4777: py domain: Add ``:async:`` option to :rst:dir:`py:function` directive * py domain: Add new options to :rst:dir:`py:method` directive - ``:abstractmethod:`` - ``:async:`` - ``:classmethod:`` - ``:property:`` - ``:staticmethod:`` * rst domain: Add :rst:dir:`directive:option` directive to describe the option for directive * 6306: html: Add a label to search form for accessability purposes * 4390: html: Consistent and semantic CSS for signatures * 6358: The ``rawsource`` property of ``production`` nodes now contains the full production rule * 6373: autosectionlabel: Allow suppression of warnings * coverage: Support a new ``coverage_ignore_pyobjects`` option * 6239: latex: Support to build Chinese documents Bugs fixed ---------- * 6230: Inappropriate node_id has been generated by glossary directive if term is consisted by non-ASCII characters * 6213: ifconfig: contents after headings are not shown * commented term in glossary directive is wrongly recognized * 6299: rst domain: rst:directive directive generates waste space * 6379: py domain: Module index (py-modindex.html) has duplicate titles * 6331: man: invalid output when doctest follows rubric * 6351: "Hyperlink target is not referenced" message is shown even if referenced * 6165: autodoc: ``tab_width`` setting of docutils has been ignored * 6347: autodoc: crashes with a plain Tuple on Python 3.6 and 3.5 * 6311: autosummary: autosummary table gets confused by complex type hints * 6350: autosummary: confused by an argument having some kind of default value * Generated Makefiles lack a final EOL (refs: 6232) * 6375: extlinks: Cannot escape angle brackets in link caption * 6378: linkcheck: Send commonly used User-Agent * 6387: html search: failed to search document with haiku and scrolls themes * 6408: html search: Fix the ranking of search results * 6406: Wrong year is returned for ``SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH`` * 6402: image directive crashes by unknown image format * 6286: C++, allow 8 and 9 in hexadecimal integer literals. * 6305: Fix the string in quickstart for 'path' argument of parser * LaTeX: Figures in admonitions produced errors (refs: 6364) ``` ### 2.0.1 ``` ===================================== Bugs fixed ---------- * LaTeX: some system labels are not translated * RemovedInSphinx30Warning is marked as pending * deprecation warnings are not emitted - sphinx.application.CONFIG_FILENAME - - :confval:`viewcode_import` * 6208: C++, properly parse full xrefs that happen to have a short xref as prefix * 6220, 6225: napoleon: AttributeError is raised for raised section having references * 6245: circular import error on importing SerializingHTMLBuilder * 6243: LaTeX: 'releasename' setting for latex_elements is ignored * 6244: html: Search function is broken with 3rd party themes * 6263: html: HTML5Translator crashed with invalid field node * 6262: html theme: The style of field lists has changed in bizstyle theme ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` * 6196: py domain: unexpected prefix is generated Testing -------- ``` ### 2.0.0b2 ``` * Add a helper function: ``sphinx.testing.restructuredtext.parse()`` ``` ### 2.0.0b1 ``` * Stop to use ``SPHINX_TEST_TEMPDIR`` envvar ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Homepage: twine from 1.14.0 to 3.1.1.
### 3.1.1 ``` * :bug:`548` Restore ``--non-interactive`` as a flag not expecting an argument. ``` ### 3.1.0 ``` * :feature:`547` Add support for specifying ``--non-interactive`` as an environment variable. ``` ### 3.0.0 ``` * :feature:`336` When a client certificate is indicated, all password processing is disabled. * :feature:`489` Add ``--non-interactive`` flag to abort upload rather than interactively prompt if credentials are missing. * :feature:`524` Twine now unconditionally requires the keyring library and no longer supports uninstalling ``keyring`` as a means to disable that functionality. Instead, use ``keyring --disable`` keyring functionality if necessary. * :feature:`518` Add Python 3.8 to classifiers. * :bug:`332 major` More robust handling of server response in ``--skip-existing`` ``` ### 2.0.0 ``` * :feature:`437` Twine now requires Python 3.6 or later. Use pip 9 or pin to "twine<2" to install twine on older Python versions. * :bug:`491 major` Require requests 2.20 or later to avoid reported security vulnerabilities in earlier releases. ``` ### 1.15.0 ``` * :feature:`488` Improved output on ``check`` command: Prints a message when there are no distributions given to check. Improved handling of errors in a distribution's markup, avoiding messages flowing through to the next distribution's errors. ```Links
- PyPI: - Changelog: - Docs: