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[Asset Radar] Check the compatibility of several scanservers in bulk - Fail #5

Open jbpitts opened 4 years ago

jbpitts commented 4 years ago

Steps to Reproduce:

Step Action Expected Status

As a system administrator, I want to check the compatibility of several scanservers in bulk, so that I can see if a group of scanservers have updated their compatibility status and I can start enjoying this scanner property.

Acceptance criteria:

I will be able to check the compatibility of a group of scanservers from the "Asset radar overview" page.

PERMISSIONS → https://zpl.io/a7BNm1v

I will need to have a role with the following permission active:

  • View asset radar overview


  • I will not be able to use this functionality in the Demo site.

  • I will not be able to use this functionality in the Demo site.

🏴 FLAG: team3_asset_radar_check_compatibility

ACTION BUTTON → https://zpl.io/a80m5RX

In the action area of the header I will find the action button that will allow me to run this check:

  • I'll find it in first position.

  • This action will remain disabled until I select at least one scanserver.

  • When I have made my selection, I will see the number of assets I have selected replacing the header title.

  • Also, at that moment I will see how the button has been enabled.

  • I will be able to select all the scanservers of an installation by clicking on the header checkbox.

  • In the same way, I will be able to deselect all of them by clicking again on the same checkbox.

  • If only some of them are disabled, I can deselect all of them by clicking on the checkbox and using the "Deselect selected" function.

  • Hovering the enabled button, I will see the hover state and the action tool "Check compatibility".

IN PROGRESS → https://zpl.io/2jJXgjW

By clicking on the button, the request to check the compatibility of the selected scanservers will be sent. At that time, I will see a confirmation message:

On the scanservers I selected, I will notice the following changes:

  • In the "Compatible" column I will see how the icons change to gray and the date of the last compatibility check is replaced by the text "Work in progress".

  • In addition, the selected items will be deselected and the action will be disabled.

  • If I were to re-select only items that are "Work in progress" for compatibility checking, I will see how the action is not re-enabled and when hovering, I could see a popover with the following text:

A compatibility check is already in progress.

However, if I selected an item that was not found "Work in progress", I could use this functionality again although other processes were in progress.

If I selected some in progress and some not, only a new request will be sent to those that are not already in progress.


The system will also not allow me to use the "Install drivers automatically" functionality while I am performing a compatibility check. That is why if I select scanservers that have a compatibility check in process, the "Install drivers automatically" action will remain disabled and when I hover I will see a popover with the following message:

Please wait until compatibility check has finished before starting drivers installation.

MODAL OVERVIEW → https://zpl.io/bLARXWd

When the systems finishes the checks in progress, a modal will appear informing me of the result of those operations:

  • The modal title will be "Compatibility check - n scanservers”. Here I will see grouped all the scanservers to which this check has been sent and for which I have not received a response so far.

  • I will be able to close the modal by clicking on the cross icon or outside the modal.

  • In the content of the modal I will see grouped under two collapse the list of compatible and unsupported scanservers.

  • The collapse of unsupported scanservers will appear first.

  • The appearance of the collapse of unsupported scanservers will also imply the appearance of a red alert message with the following information:

Scanservers found that are not compatible with Asset Radar Review this knowledge base article for troubleshooting.

  • Hovering the link (previous hover state), the following link will open in another tab: https://www.lansweeper.com/knowledgebase/asset-radar/

  • On the right side of each collapse, I will see the number of scanservers that are being listed under the corresponding titles:

    • Not compatible

    • Compatible

  • Each collapse will show a table listing the scanservers based on the result of the compatibility check:

    • The scanservers in the collapse "Not compatible" will be accompanied by a red cross icon.

    • The scanservers in the collapse "Compatible" will be accompanied by a green check icon.

  • In the modal footer I will see a button with the CTA "Install drivers" that will allow me to immediately install the drivers automatically on the scanservers with "Not compatible" results without the need to return to the list, select them and click on this button action.

  • If I clicked on this button, the modal will close. In addition, calling this functionality from the modal will have the same effects as if I did it from the list:

    • Send command to the necessary scanservers.

    • Confirmation message of that request

    • Change in the "Compatible" column with the text in progress.

    • Confirmation modal

ALL COMPATIBLE → https://zpl.io/a80mdY6

If all the scanservers that the compatibility check request was sent to turn out to be compatible, I won't see the following items:

  • Alert message

  • “Not compatible” collapse

  • “Install drivers” button

Instead, I will see the following two elements:

  • A blue informational message, which will display a blue info icon in addition to the following message:

All selected scanservers are already compatible with Asset Radar.

  • Replaced with the "Install drivers" button, I will see a "Got it" button that will simply close the modal as in the same way that would happen if I clicked on the cross icon or outside the modal, without taking any additional action.


At the moment the modal is opened with the results of the verification, it will also be possible to consult the updated information in the table in the "Compatible" column, with the corresponding icon and the date and time of the verification that is just made.

jbpitts commented 4 years ago

http://localhost:3000 defect D8. Do not remove or edit.

jbpitts commented 2 years ago

http://localhost:3000 requirement R1.