jbranchaud / splitting-atoms

:dizzy_face: a community-built, community-driven guide to hacking on the Atom editor
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Week 1 of Atom post - what to include? #42

Open jbranchaud opened 10 years ago

jbranchaud commented 10 years ago

I am in the process of setting up a github pages/jekyll site with the content here so far (using the gh-pages branch of course). I wanted to add the first in a series of blog posts that will highlight important news about Atom, top packages for the week, best theme of the week, top tips and tricks, etc.

What three packages should I highlight in these week's post? Any tips and tricks to highlight (@jegtnes)? Anything else that belongs?

rgbkrk commented 10 years ago

I think it would be neat if you showed off packages that aren't currently "featured packages" on atom.io/packages, unless they truly warrant more publicity.

jbranchaud commented 10 years ago

@rgbkrk exactly! I want to show off cool stuff that might otherwise get lost in the noise.

kenwheeler commented 10 years ago

I think atom-script and mobile-preview are fine candidates! @jbranchaud @rgbkrk

kenwheeler commented 10 years ago

task-list too! Lol , bias aside, I really like the open recent package. Show in system is great too, and firepad.

rgbkrk commented 10 years ago

I think atom-script and mobile-preview are fine candidates!


I certainly wasn't going to nominate the ones I've been involved in, but if you insist :wink:. Perhaps there's a way to gauge interest from the atom feed.

I'd certainly nominate @tombell's test-status

jbranchaud commented 10 years ago

Perhaps we could take this approach:

In future weeks we could be a bit more selective, but seems like there is a lot worth mentioning this week.

kenwheeler commented 10 years ago

@rgbkrk re: test-status, wow that awesome, I hadn't even seen that one

tombell commented 10 years ago

:+1: for test-status, this is a 100% unbias opinion :smile:

rgbkrk commented 10 years ago

If we don't cover everything, it's ok. We'll have more content later.

jegtnes commented 10 years ago

Well, since you asked. ;) My favourites this week have been Bugsnag's shortcut cheat sheet https://bugsnag.com/blog/atom-editor-cheat-sheet, your guide on opening several projects in one window, the Block Travel package https://atom.io/packages/block-travel, and the guide on defining Atom commands in your init script: http://jasonrudolph.com/blog/2014/03/02/defining-atom-commands-in-your-init-script/

tombell commented 10 years ago

I've just published my first Atom related post about how I built test-status and travis-ci-status https://medium.com/p/97734fad79d0.

karan commented 10 years ago

Shameless plug. I published my first atom package a few days ago: https://atom.io/packages/atom-terminal