jbrandwood / liberis

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More steps to add on readme #4

Open KanedaFr opened 2 years ago

KanedaFr commented 2 years ago

It tooks me some times to understand why examples were compilable.

1/ V810 GCC /bin must be on the PATH (see https://github.com/jbrandwood/v810-gcc) 2/ pcfx tools must be on the PATH (see https://github.com/jbrandwood/pcfxtools) 3/ V810GCC var must be defined (export V810GCC='<your path to v810 -gcc folder (not bin)>') 4/ make 5/ make install 6/ make example_cds

I missed step 3 and 5 ;)

perhaps you could add

ifeq ("$(V810GCC)","") $(error V810GCC undefined)

export V810GCC=<path to your sdk/bin/v810-gcc>


on makefile ;)

jbrandwood commented 2 years ago

Thanks! Yes, I definitely need to check in the overall make script that I'm using for liberis.

tictakk commented 7 months ago

This definitely would have helped to know ahead of time!

dshadoff commented 1 month ago

I have put some updated notes (and split up scripts) in the "pcfx-devel/PC-FX_Programming_Notes" repository about the build:


dshadoff commented 1 month ago

Please re-evaluate, and see whether this can be closed (or supply additional context of what to remedy).