jbreuer / 1-1-multilingual-example

An Umbraco example of how to use Vorto and Nested Content
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Problem with URL when create new "Document Types" and Models #10

Open gregoriii opened 7 years ago

gregoriii commented 7 years ago

Hi, I have problem with URL when create new "Document Types". What I need to do to improve?

In web.confing ( \24days\web.config ) connection to the database has been changed (connectionStrings): from <add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="Data Source=|DataDirectory|\Umbraco.sdf;Flush Interval=1;" providerName="System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0" />

<add name="umbracoDbDSN" connectionString="server=xxx;database=xxx;user id=xxx;password='xxx'" providerName="System.Data.SqlClient" />

Create New Document Types Settings > Document Types > Create New Document Types > name: NewDocType value:umbNewDocType

Create content Content > Home > CREATE AN ITEM UNDER HOME "NewDocType" > (name) NameNewDocType > Save and Publish

1:54:20 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Saved Xml to file.
1:54:20 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Save Xml to file...
1:54:16 PM  INFO Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy : Content 'DocTypeTest03' with Id '1128' has been published.
1:54:04 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Saved Xml to file.
1:54:04 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Save Xml to file...
1:54:00 PM  INFO Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy : Content 'DocTypeTest03' with Id '0' has been published.
1:53:54 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Save Xml to file...
1:53:54 PM  INFO umbraco.content : Saved Xml to file.
1:53:49 PM  INFO Umbraco.Core.Publishing.PublishingStrategy : Content 'DocTypeTest02' with Id '1127' has been unpublished.

How it should create models (using Models Builder)? How it should look to create models (using Models Builder)? I added the entry in the web.config add "<add key="Umbraco.ModelsBuilder.ModelsMode" value="LiveAppData" />". Model is created in my directory "\24days\App_Data\Models\" but not in "\Umbraco.Extensions\Models\"

Can I ask for help me in solving the problem. Best regards, Gregoriii

jbreuer commented 7 years ago

You can fix these problems by running the models builder. It's using the API models. More info here: https://github.com/zpqrtbnk/Zbu.ModelsBuilder/wiki/Builder-Modes#api-models