XPath_Injection issue exists @ Content/XPathInjection.aspx.cs in branch master
The application's FindSalesPerson method constructs an XPath query, for navigating an XML document. The XPath query is created with SelectNodes, at line 24 of Content\XPathInjection.aspx.cs, using an untrusted string embedded in the expression.
This may enable an attacker to modify the XPath expression, leading to an XPath Injection attack.
The attacker may be able to inject the modified XPath expression via user input, QueryString_state, which is retrieved by the application in the Page_Load method, at line 16 of Content\XPathInjection.aspx.cs. This value then flows through the code to SelectNodes, as noted.
XPath_Injection issue exists @ Content/XPathInjection.aspx.cs in branch master
The application's FindSalesPerson method constructs an XPath query, for navigating an XML document. The XPath query is created with SelectNodes, at line 24 of Content\XPathInjection.aspx.cs, using an untrusted string embedded in the expression. This may enable an attacker to modify the XPath expression, leading to an XPath Injection attack. The attacker may be able to inject the modified XPath expression via user input, QueryString_state, which is retrieved by the application in the Page_Load method, at line 16 of Content\XPathInjection.aspx.cs. This value then flows through the code to SelectNodes, as noted.
Severity: High
Lines: 20
Code (Line #20):