jbrunken / ActiveForumsTapatalk

Tapatalk Add-On for Active Forums 5 (DotNetNuke)
MIT License
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Unable to setup forum in Tapatalk #18

Open dlwilkins opened 8 years ago

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Followed the installation instructions, but there is no no location on the advanced options for the file type and Tapatalk fails to connect to the site. Seems like Tapatalk have updated not sure what to do.

Any help would be appreciated.

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supermansrf commented 8 years ago

Once you install the module, place it on a page. Forum page is a good idea. Once on the page, go into the module settings for the tapatalk module you placed on the page (for example where you would assign permissions to that module) and under the far right tab you need to expand and it will show you directory and file type along with some config options.

Hope this helps.

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Hi Seth,

Have done all that.. followed the install instructions to the letter, but I still get an error when Tapatalk tries to connect.

Module is on the same page as AF, though is set to Admin only to view it. As I mentioned above the only anomaly in the instructions is Tapatalk no longer has an option to set the filetype.



dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Does the forum URL need to be the main page? And does it need to be open we have it behind a login?

supermansrf commented 8 years ago

It very well could be not working. I'll be honest with you I haven't had tapatalk working in a very long time. I wish someone would pick up where I left off and work on building it into the module. It's a wish of mine but I just don't have the funds right now to hire it out.

I'll try to mess with it some tomorrow and see if I can figure anything out. We may have just gotten left in the dark ages lol

supermansrf commented 8 years ago

Url is the main url of the website (http or https://domain.com) and the forum can be under restriction. Maybe you want to set the permissions of the tapatalk module to match forum? Nobody can see it anyway as long as they don't have edit permissions.

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Ok will try that and let you know.. thanks

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Hm ok I am getting a 404 error in the DNN event log.. its trying to find the file;

TabId: PortalAlias:www.tripoli.org OriginalUrl:/aft1028/mobiquo.ashx Url:http://www.tripoli.org/aft1028/mobiquo.ashx

Cant find the file anywhere in the portal.. Will look at the server once I can get somewhere I can connect to it.

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

I completely removed and reinstalled per the wiki.. still getting the 404 error when Tapatalk tries to connect to it. Environment is Windows Server 2008R2 (current Patches) DNN 07.01.02 (356) and Active Forums 5.2.2

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Are there any steps I can follow to verify the installation is correct?

supermansrf commented 8 years ago

Man I'm sorry I got bombarded today. I will try to mess around with this a bit and see if I can jog my memory. I seem to remember seeing something like this but I just can't remember right now. Give me a day or 2 and I'll see what I can come up with.

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Seth, hey I really appreciate the help take whatever time you need..

dlwilkins commented 8 years ago

Hi Seth,

Have you had a chance to look at this yet?