jbrunken / ActiveForumsTapatalk

Tapatalk Add-On for Active Forums 5 (DotNetNuke)
MIT License
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Issues with some versions of tapatalk and topic subject not displaying #5

Open supermansrf opened 10 years ago

supermansrf commented 10 years ago

So I've narrowed this issue down to tapatalk and a few users. Here is what happens.

There is a topic with a subject. A user posts from active forums. In the forum list it now shows up as the latest topic. I see the topic subject, the date/time and who made the post.

User a replies to the topic via tapatalk. 2 strange things happen. First off the email notification comes from the site admin email address and not the reply address specified for that forum. In the email notification there is no topic subject it says RE: in the forum list it now shows User A's reply as the latest as it should and it also shows no subject only RE:

User b (myself in this case) replies to the same topic via tapatalk. I get the email notification telling me there is a new reply, it comes from the correct email address and has the proper topic subject. In the forum list now user b's reply is latest and it shows that with the correct subject.

If I delete this post its back the way it was before.

I tried this on another site running AF and tapatalk plugin with the same 2 users and it happens again. I can duplicate it wholly. However the problem is with some versions of tapatalk.

This user a (the one who causes the problems with the topic subject) is also experiencing and issue when launching tapatalk. He is using a droid. When he tries to get on it quickly pops up a warning stating he can't connect to the forum, doesn't show long enough to even get a screen shot. But he can still connect, see posts, reply etc. I'm guessing that this may have something to do with it.

The user who is having an issue is one of my site admins so I have the ability to use him and his device if needed.

What would be the benefit (if any) of uninstalling the tapatalk API and reinstalling it? Would it reset anything?

--- Want to back this issue? **[Post a bounty on it!](https://www.bountysource.com/issues/1438724-issues-with-some-versions-of-tapatalk-and-topic-subject-not-displaying?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F494766&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github)** We accept bounties via [Bountysource](https://www.bountysource.com/?utm_campaign=plugin&utm_content=tracker%2F494766&utm_medium=issues&utm_source=github).
supermansrf commented 10 years ago

Nobody else sees this issue? It consistently happens on mainly Android phones and on several of my forums (different portals). I can't imagine that nobody else sees this issue

jbrunken commented 10 years ago

I do see it occasionally as well. I'll look into it next time I get a chance to work on the Tapatalk plugin.

vinaychoudhary commented 10 years ago

Hi supermansrf,

The 2 users you specified are they using same option to reply. There are 2 options "quick reply" at the bottom and a "normal reply"?

supermansrf commented 10 years ago

Yea Vinay, all issues I see with this are via the Quick Reply. It appears that the normal reply feature is consistent and works fine.

vinaychoudhary commented 10 years ago

Actually my query was in your description you mentioned that reply feature with user B works fine. Is this user B using the same quick reply feature? And is it android.?

supermansrf commented 10 years ago

@vinaychoudhary has produced a fix for this. We have only tested it recently and confirmed it's fixed. Will release here when able