jbrunton / gflows

A CLI tool that makes templating GitHub Workflows easy
MIT License
30 stars 3 forks source link

Full local path listed for remote package #188

Closed jbrunton closed 3 years ago

jbrunton commented 3 years ago


|   NAME   |                                        SOURCE                                         |                    TARGET                     |     STATUS     |
| example1 | /var/folders/kl/6m517ry930v2pg2zf6k04llh0000gp/T/example1345751062/workflows/example1 | ../gflows-test/.github/workflows/example1.yml | TEMPLATE ERROR |
| gflows   | ../gflows-test/.gflows/workflows/gflows                                               | ../gflows-test/.github/workflows/gflows.yml   | TEMPLATE ERROR |

Should give a more descriptive name – either the relative URL or just the package name as a prefix.