jbrzusto / TO_DO

sensorgnome / motus TODO list for jbrzusto
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Prject 47 failed tag registration #89

Closed zcrysler closed 7 years ago

zcrysler commented 7 years ago

I uploaded a batch of tags for project 47 on May 24, all of them went through except tag 149 burst rate 5.898 which has been deployed. Error message was "Unable to get a good estimate of burst interval", it was deployed closest to receiver SG-3214BBBK1004

zcrysler commented 7 years ago

Same issue as above but also with tags 322, 346, 353 burst rate 19.89 in project 47 - didn't upload properly because there wasn't a good estimation of burst interval. Tag 254 also had a warning that there were only 2 bursts detected so the registration may not be accurate.

These tags have already been deployed, the tower closest to the deployment location was Reeds Beach, receiver SG-3214BBBK1004, motus receiver ID 1315​

jbrzusto commented 7 years ago

The relevant uncorrected registration errors obtained by editing:

sqlite> select t1.id, json_extract(t1.data, "$.summary"), json_extract(t1.data, "$.log") 
 from jobs as t1 join jobs as t2 on t1.id=t2.stump 
 where t2.type="registerTags"  and t1.data glob "*under project 47*" 
 order by t1.id desc limit 10;


Unable to get a good estimate of burst interval for tag id 149 in file tag149.wav
Please re-record this tag and re-upload
Unable to get a good estimate of burst interval for tag id 322 in file tag322.wav
Please re-record this tag and re-upload
Unable to get a good estimate of burst interval for tag id 346 in file tag346.wav
Please re-record this tag and re-upload
Unable to get a good estimate of burst interval for tag id 353 in file tag353.wav
Please re-record this tag and re-upload
Warning: only 2 bursts detected for tag 354 so I can't estimate burst interval error.
This registration might not be accurate.

For 2017-04-18 to 2017-05-22, this receiver's detections of bare tag IDs in the set 149, 322, 346, 353, 354 (N.B.: not 254) look like this:

      n       bi        bi.sd
322 131 19.89507 0.0001163828
346 259 19.89478 0.0477221765
353 251 19.89489 0.0321426428
354  64 19.89500 0.0001943776

so based on this, I'm requesting the period for tag 354 be corrected, and registering the remaining 3 tags with nominal BI=19.895

So far, there's no sign of tag 149 on that receiver.

jbrzusto commented 7 years ago

Looking at the recording for tag 149 more carefully, there are 4 good bursts, so I'm not sure why the automatic algorithm failed. So I'm registering this one with BI=5.898.