jbt / markdown-editor

Live (Github-flavored) Markdown Editor
ISC License
2.82k stars 643 forks source link

Relicense #84

Closed donovanglover closed 6 years ago

donovanglover commented 6 years ago


Can markdown-editor be licensed under a different license? (Technically you'd also need approval from everyone that made a non-trivial contribution since they retain the copyright to their original work).

See: https://opensource.google.com/docs/thirdparty/licenses/#wtfpl-not-allowed


waldyrious commented 6 years ago

In case it helps, if the WTFPL-style public domain-like dedication is to be preserved, choosealicense.com recommends the Unlicense for this effect.

jbt commented 6 years ago

Happy to let @aero31aero make the call on this as the project's current maintainer, but as the original author I'm happy for this to be licensed in whatever way makes the most sense, ideally as open as possible (in retrospect it was remiss of me not to put a proper license in from the get-go)

aero31aero commented 6 years ago

Thanks for raising this @GloverDonovan! I'm thinking of the MIT License. It is similar to WTFPL style for the usage(permissive), but preserves the original copyright. That restriction ideally prevents someone from copying and relicensing a public domain work as theirs. Thoughts?

waldyrious commented 6 years ago

MIT is fine, although I'm personally partial to the equivalent (but even simpler) ISC license :)

donovanglover commented 6 years ago

Sounds good to me. Let's make this happen!

aero31aero commented 6 years ago

Since its functionally equivalent, I'll go with ISC here then.