jbuchermn / newm

Wayland compositor
MIT License
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Dev: hot-reloading newm's own source? #120

Open cben opened 2 years ago

cben commented 2 years ago

First, thanks! newm is both innovative and (together with pywm) probably the easiest starting point that now exists for hackable wayland WM :clap:

Do you have a recipe for reloading newm source itself?

Things I found out today:

I'm sure a better stuff is possible, there are auto-reload modules that do much more intelligent patching...
Do you have a ready setup that you're using? Or do you always start-newm?

CRAG666 commented 2 years ago

This is my configuration if it is useful https://github.com/CRAG666/dotfiles/blob/master/config/newm/configV3.py

jbuchermn commented 2 years ago

That's a very interesting thought!

To be honest, I just restart newm over and over when debugging stuff, but specifically for sth like the widgets, or "higher-level behaviour", doing what you do in your example could be very worthwhile.

What kind of auto-reload modules do you have in mind?

Also, another path might be to make newm itself as minimal as possible and move a lot more behaviour into config files, which is sth I've done e.g. for the XF86 keys (volume control, dimming the screen, ... - that was all once coded into KeyProcessor). A lot of the functions that Layout offers, could probably be moved to helper modules and imported directly from configuration

cben commented 2 years ago

I extended my recipe to patch instances in all files, and so far it seems to hold :crossed_fingers: :

def reload_modules():
    logger.warning('~' * 120)

    import sys, importlib, gc
    logger.warning('newm.layout._INSTANCE = %r', getattr(newm.layout, '_INSTANCE', None))

    mod_names = ['newm.widget.bar', 'newm.widget.focus_border', 'newm.layout', 'newm.run']
    # This also seems to work but reloads A LOT of stuff, so maybe it's safer listing what I touch?
    #mod_names = [n for n in sys.modules if 'newm.' in n]

    orig_vars = {}
    for mod_name in mod_names:
        orig_vars[mod_name] = vars(sys.modules[mod_name]).copy()

    for mod_name in mod_names:
        logger.debug('?? %s', mod_name)
        for name, orig_obj in orig_vars[mod_name].items():
            source_mod_name = getattr(orig_obj, '__module__', None)
            if source_mod_name and 'newm.' in source_mod_name:
                current_obj = getattr(sys.modules[source_mod_name], name, None)
                if current_obj is None:
                if current_obj is orig_obj:
                    logger.debug('  same obj %s = %r at %r', name, orig_obj, id(orig_obj))

                logger.debug('  NEW OBJ %s = %r at %s -> %r at %s', name, orig_obj, id(orig_obj), current_obj, id(current_obj))
                # Update `from foo import Class` copies
                logger.warning('    PATCHING GLOBAL %s.%s \t= %r', mod_name, name, current_obj)
                setattr(sys.modules[mod_name], name, current_obj)

                # Update instances to point to new class object.
                if source_mod_name == mod_name and isinstance(orig_obj, type):
                    for ref in gc.get_referrers(orig_obj):
                        rep = repr(ref)
                        if len(rep) > 60:
                            rep = rep[:60] + '...'
                        logger.debug('    type %r ref %s', ref.__class__, rep)
                        if ref.__class__ is orig_obj:
                            logger.warning('    PATCHING INSTANCE %r.__class__ \t= %r', ref, current_obj)
                            ref.__class__ = current_obj

    logger.warning('_' * 120)

which (for those 4 files) does something like:

?? newm.widget.bar
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.widget.bar.Bar     = <class 'newm.widget.bar.Bar'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.widget.bar.TopBar  = <class 'newm.widget.bar.TopBar'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <TopBar(Thread-1083, started 140462168409664)>.__class__  = <class 'newm.widget.bar.TopBar'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <TopBar(Thread-1084, started 140462160016960)>.__class__  = <class 'newm.widget.bar.TopBar'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.widget.bar.BottomBar   = <class 'newm.widget.bar.BottomBar'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <BottomBar(Thread-1081, started 140463441081920)>.__class__   = <class 'newm.widget.bar.BottomBar'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <BottomBar(Thread-1082, started 140464370665024)>.__class__   = <class 'newm.widget.bar.BottomBar'>
?? newm.widget.focus_border
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder    = <class 'newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder object at 0x7fc077157460>.__class__     = <class 'newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder object at 0x7fc0771546a0>.__class__     = <class 'newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorder'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorders   = <class 'newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorders'>
?? newm.layout
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.TopBar  = <class 'newm.widget.bar.TopBar'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.BottomBar   = <class 'newm.widget.bar.BottomBar'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.FocusBorders    = <class 'newm.widget.focus_border.FocusBorders'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.TKeyBindings    = ~TKeyBindings
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout._score  = <function _score at 0x7fc0c115cee0>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.Animation   = <class 'newm.layout.Animation'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.LayoutThread    = <class 'newm.layout.LayoutThread'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.layout.Layout  = <class 'newm.layout.Layout'>
    PATCHING INSTANCE <newm.layout.Layout object at 0x7fc0e4606b30>.__class__   = <class 'newm.layout.Layout'>
?? newm.run
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.run.Layout     = <class 'newm.layout.Layout'>
    PATCHING GLOBAL newm.run.run    = <function run at 0x7fc0c115cf70>
cben commented 2 years ago

caveat: Order matters with inheritance

CRAG666 commented 2 years ago

@cben How does the reload config work now? Why do I try to update and change in on_reconfigure or view and it doesn't seem to change?

cben commented 2 years ago

I'm not sure I understand your question right, can you elaborate where/what exactly are you editing?

tips if you tried my recipe above and newm/**py edits have no visible effects:

I haven't tried editing view.py yet if that's what you mean.

There are certainly gaps in this approach. Python is inherently not optimal for this: 1, 2, though I know internals well enough to deal...

cben commented 2 years ago

if you are asking how it works without my kludge:

newm's current config reload flow

Additionally, all config params are used like this:

conf_enable_dbus_gestures = configured_value("gestures.dbus.enabled", True)

which returns a callable; wherever code wants to actually use the value it calls it e.g. if conf_enable_dbus_gestures(): so it always gets a fresh value.
And config params that specify a callback get used like conf_foo()(args).