jburkhardt / RAdwords

Loading Google Adwords Data into R
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how to get location name corresponding to id in CAMPAIGN LOCATION TARGET REPORT #70

Open simran66 opened 7 years ago

simran66 commented 7 years ago

I get id instead of location name in the report. How do I get location name instead?

The documentation on the website says we need to use LocationCriterionService. But how do I do it in R? Your package documentation does not show any steps for that

jburkhardt commented 7 years ago

Hi @simran66,

thanks for your message!

RAdwords extracts data from the Google Adwords API Reporting Service. RAdwords retrieves data as stored by Google. In the case of geo/location attributes Google only provides IDs instead of names within the Reporting Service. Further reading here: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/appendix/reports/geo-performance-report In order to get the names corresponding to the IDs, you have to query the Location Criterion Service. RAdwords is not capable to query the Location Criterion Service. This would be a new feature of the package that yet has to be developed. In the meantime, I hope you can work with the location IDs.

The question came up in the past already: https://github.com/jburkhardt/RAdwords/issues/9