jbwang1997 / OBBDetection

OBBDetection is an oriented object detection library, which is based on MMdetection.
Apache License 2.0
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Install with CPU only Problem #181

Open zilunzhang opened 1 year ago

zilunzhang commented 1 year ago


I tried to build the OBBDetection for CPU only environment (macOS).

I commented the line 255 in "setup.py" ("ext_modules" argument), which makes lots of cuda related extensions. The build was successful. Is there anything else I need to do to build the OBBDetection for CPU only environment?

I run the command after, but got the error "ImportError: cannot import name 'corner_pool_ext' from partially initialized module 'mmdet.ops.corner_pool' (most likely due to a circular import) (/Users/zilun/Desktop/FirstProject/OBBDetection/mmdet/ops/corner_pool/init.py)". Any suggestion?

python demo/huge_image_demo.py ../../../../Desktop/test.png configs/obb/oriented_rcnn/faster_rcnn_orpn_r50_fpn_1x_dota10.py ckpt/faster_rcnn_orpn_r50_fpn_1x_dota10_epoch12.pth BboxToolkit/tools/split_configs/dota1_0/ss_test.json
