jbyuki / venn.nvim

Draw ASCII diagrams in Neovim
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How do you invoke :VBox? #1

Closed dvanderweele closed 3 years ago

dvanderweele commented 3 years ago

I am curious how you are "invoking :VBox" after making your selection, I can't quite figure it out. On the bottom right of your gif it shows <20> every time you "invoke". What does that mean?

Thanks, I realize it probably isn't an issue with your library, but with me being somewhat of a newb with neovim. Great tool tho! I'd love to use it.

jbyuki commented 3 years ago

If I remember correctly it's done using the following keymap: vnoremap <leader>g :VBox<CR> where my leader key is set to space hence the <20> (see :h mapleader if you need clarifications on that).

Does it answer your question? I'm happy to help.

dvanderweele commented 3 years ago

Wow, thanks for the speedy response!

Well these are the two relevant lines of my nvim config:

let mapleader = ','
vnoremap <Leader>g :VBox<CR>

I also tried xnoremap and noremap to no avail. Along with a space as you use, and that didn't work either. Any ideas?

jbyuki commented 3 years ago

Putting the two lines in your config is correct. It might be the <leader> which needs to be in lowercase. Does it help?

dvanderweele commented 3 years ago

LoL that worked. Thank you so much for your help 🤙