jbyuki / venn.nvim

Draw ASCII diagrams in Neovim
MIT License
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[BUG] venn.nvim crashes my neovim #5

Closed qvieth closed 2 years ago

qvieth commented 2 years ago


using venn.nvim stop my nvim from working

jbyuki commented 2 years ago

This seems to be venn.vnim updated to the latest commit but I cannot reproduce on my setup.

Maybe try updating venn again, I added logging. Try to make it crash and send me the log available under nvim-data/venn.log ( the nvim-data can be located using :echo stdpath('data') ). This will narrow down the debugging.

jbyuki commented 2 years ago

And logging must be enabled with :let g:venn_debug = v:true.

qvieth commented 2 years ago

thank you @jbyuki !, here's the log files.


jbyuki commented 2 years ago

thanks that was helpful. Interesting bug. Probably a keymapping is set on vv which make it go into an infinite loop but not completely sure.

Could you try again and send me the log?

qvieth commented 2 years ago

@jbyuki Updated and it works again!! Thank you so much for your works on this incredible plugin!!
