jcansdale / TestDriven.Net-Issues

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Can't test with xUnit or MSTest (TestDriven.NET-4.0.3359 Beta) #43

Closed jcansdale closed 7 years ago

jcansdale commented 8 years ago

When attempting to run xUnit tests, the following appears:

When targeting a class:

------ Test started: Assembly: ClassLibrary1.dll ------

The target type doesn't contain tests from a known test framework or a 'Main' method.

When targeting an individual method:

------ Test started: Assembly: ClassLibrary1.dll ------

1 passed, 0 failed, 0 skipped, took 0.19 seconds (Ad hoc).
jcansdale commented 8 years ago

When adding support for running tests in .xproj based projects, I managed to break running tests in regular projects. It actually still worked for NUnit, but not xUnit or MSTest.

It's fixed in this build: TestDriven.NET-4.0.3360_Extraterrestrial_Beta.zip

Let me know if you find any other issues!

Thanks, Jamie.