jcansdale / TestDriven.Net-Issues

Issue tracking for TestDriven.Net
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Release notes for TestDriven.Net 4.0-beta2 #61

Closed jcansdale closed 7 years ago

jcansdale commented 7 years ago

TDI59: Add support for running "Ad hoc" async methods

Async methods can be targeted directly and the "Ad hoc" runner will wait for them to complete (the async method mustn't return void).

TDI60: Develop library for testing classes that call static methods

This version of TestDriven.Net was tested using StaticMocks, a helper library for mocking static methods. If you're interested, you can find it here.

TDI54: Label text sent to console when running multiple tests

When running all tests in a project/solution, any console/trace output will be labeled with the name of the test that output it.

TDI63: Testing .NET Core project might fail with: "MyTests.exe isn't a .NET assembly"

When a "runtimes" element was defined in a .NET Core project, it was attempting to execute the native EXE shim rather than the target assembly DLL.

TDI17: Automatically pass DTE object to "Ad hoc" test methods that take DTE as a parameter

The 'Test With > In-Proc' command will pass the current DTE (Visual Studio) object to "Ad hoc" test methods that take DTE (or DTE2) as a parameter.

TDI52: Add support for new VSTestHost when executing 'Test With > In-Proc'

VisualStudio TestHost project can be used for writing Visual Studio integration tests. As a quick way to prototype a test, the 'Test With > In-Proc' command will populate initialize the VSTestContext class, giving easy to the current ServiceProvider and DTE objects. Click on this issue for an example.

TDI29: Run using .NET Framework (and "quirks mode") that project.json is targeting

When running tests using the 'dotnet test' based runners, run using the exact .NET Framework version and "quirks mode" they were compiled for.

TDI50: CurrentDirectory not set for dotnet-test based test runners

The current directory wasn't being set when executing using a 'dotnet test' based test runner. It is now being set to the output directory (consistent with other TestDriven.Net runners).

TDI53: When running project.json tests, always target tests specified by testRunner

When targeting a 'project.json' based project, run using the "Ad hoc" runner if a non-test method is targeted (no test attribute), otherwise only consider the testRunner specified in 'project.json'.

TDI44: Remove Go To Code/Test command

This command was rarely being used and taking up valuable space on the context menu.