jcansdale / gpr

A .NET Core tool for working with the GitHub Package Registry
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Add support for deleting packages #9

Open jcansdale opened 4 years ago

jcansdale commented 4 years ago


gpr delete MyPackage 1.0

See https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dotnet/core/tools/dotnet-nuget-delete

dotnet nuget delete [<PACKAGE_NAME> <PACKAGE_VERSION>] [--force-english-output] [--interactive] [-k|--api-key] [--no-service-endpoint]
    [--non-interactive] [-s|--source]
dotnet nuget delete [-h|--help]
jasonycw commented 4 years ago

I pulled the latest gpr and see there is gpr delete already

But when I tried

gpr delete --docker-clean-up --force --api-key ACCESS_KEY ownerName/projectName

Nothing is deleted from ownerName/projectName's package

I also tried

gpr delete --docker-clean-up --force --api-key ACCESS_KEY 'ownerName/projectName'

Still nothing happen

jcansdale commented 4 years ago


The --docker-clean-up switch will only delete docker images that failed to publish properly.

If you want to delete all packages versions associated with ownerName/projectName, you should only use the --force switch.

Could you try:

gpr delete <ownerName/projectName> --force --api-key ACCESS_KEY
jasonycw commented 4 years ago

@jcansdale Thanks, this seems working

PS > gpr delete 'ownerName/projectName' --force --api-key ACCESS_KEY
  Deleting '1.2.5'
  Deleting '1.2.4'
  Deleting '1.2.3'
  Deleting '1.2.2'
  Deleting '1.2.5'
  Deleting '1.2.4'
  Deleting '1.2.3'
  Deleting '1.2.2'
PS >

However, I found a bug in Github package where there is a phantom package with no version and no way to delete and push again. In the above, Package.C seems to have no version? And it cannot be found in the Github package page or in VS nuget page. gpr delete seems also cannot delete Package.C

When I run gpr push --api-key ACCESS_KEY <Package.C>, I get

[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Repository url: https://github.com/ownerName/projectName. Version: 1.2.6. Size: 27216 bytes.
[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Uploading package.
[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Error: Version 1.2.6 of "Package.C" has already been pushed.
jcansdale commented 4 years ago

Hi @jasonycw,

I tried reproducing this issue with the following workflow, but it seems to work fine.


    runs-on: ubuntu-latest

      PACKAGE: Package.C

      - run: dotnet new console --name ${{ env.PACKAGE }}
      - run: dotnet pack ${{ env.PACKAGE }}
      - run: dotnet tool install gpr -g
      - run: gpr delete ${{ github.repository }}/${{ env.PACKAGE }} --force -k ${{ github.token }}
      - run: gpr push **/*.nupkg --repository ${{ github.repository }} -k ${{ github.token }}
      - run: gpr delete ${{ github.repository }}/${{ env.PACKAGE }} --force -k ${{ github.token }}
      - run: gpr push **/*.nupkg --repository ${{ github.repository }} -k ${{ github.token }}

Could you try adding this workflow to the same repository as your Package.C project? I would be interested to know if it completes successfully. 🤔

jasonycw commented 4 years ago

Hi @jcansdale I tried the following

> gpr delete 'ownerName/projectName/Package.C' --force --api-key ACCESS_KEY

It only listed the name of the package and didn't seem to delete anything

Then I tried, still same thing happened

> gpr push --api-key ACCESS_KEY <Package.C>
[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Repository url: https://github.com/ownerName/projectName. Version: 1.2.6. Size: 27216 bytes.
[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Uploading package.
[Package.C.1.2.6.nupkg]: Error: Version 1.2.6 of "Package.C" has already been pushed.

FYI, that package was the one I used to test this issue https://github.community/t/push-nuget-package-from-difference-owner/131732 I did pushed and delete the same package multiple times to test difference <RepositoryUrl> combination.

What I finally decided was to move the ownership of that private personal repo to under the organization. But I am not sure when and why that Package.C was stuck with no version and not searchable under that repo with the new owner