jcarver989 / phantom-jasmine

a Jasmine runner for Phantom.js
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cannot find module 'path' #27

Open dvjc opened 8 years ago

dvjc commented 8 years ago

I was able to spin up the example TestRunner and view the result in the browser. However, when i tried using the CLI, I got:

"Error: Cannot find module 'path' "

The only usage of "path" is in the phantom-jasmine file itself var path = require('path')

Not sure what it is looking for - but insufficient project documentation.

If anyone has a relevant comment, please lemme know. However, I'm thinking of using Chutzpah (http://mmanela.github.io/chutzpah/) instead.

dvjc commented 8 years ago

I'm thinking Chutpah is out - seems driven by .exe and I'm developing on a Linux Box.

dvjc commented 8 years ago

i think it's using node because of the first line:

!/usr/bin/env node

Which isn't documented - i'm trying not to install anything to get things working