jcberquist / aws-cfml

Lucee/ColdFusion library for interacting with AWS API's
MIT License
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Upload to MinIO using S3 #62

Open zulhelmi opened 2 years ago

zulhelmi commented 2 years ago

I don't know whether this code support for MinIO or not.

I'm using Lucee when I use listBuckets function it showed all the bucket list. When I try to getBucketAccess or putObject it showed Connection Failure with empty respond header.

jcberquist commented 2 years ago

I am sorry, I can't help you much here, I don't use myself. Supporting alternate S3 compatible services was added in #24 by @zspitzer - he might know more about any such issues.

zspitzer commented 2 years ago

@zulhelmi show us your code?

it's all cfml, so you should be able to debug it yourself?