jcberquist / commandbox-cfformat

A CommandBox module for formatting CFML component files.
MIT License
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Contents of cfif tag removed #69

Closed gpickin closed 4 years ago

gpickin commented 4 years ago

Contents of tag removed in my Application.cfc It didn't seem to do this on surrounding cfif tags, might it be a CASE thing?

It was <CFIF FindNoCase("",CGI.SERVER_NAME) EQ "0"> It became <CFIF>

Below is the surrounding code incase that influences the behavior somehow.


<cffunction name="onRequest" returnType="void">
        <cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">
        <cfset var tempCall = setupWireboxLite()>

        <!--- <cfif FindNoCase("",CGI.Server_Name) neq "0" and CGI.Server_Port_Secure eq "0">
            <cfif CGI.Script_Name neq "/msc.cfm">
                <cflocation url="" Addtoken="No">
        </cfif>  --->
        <CFIF FindNoCase("",CGI.SERVER_NAME) EQ "0">
            <CFLOCATION url="" Addtoken="No">

        <cfset application.right_now = now()>
        <cfinclude template="#arguments.thePage#">


<cffunction name="onRequest" returnType="void">
        <cfargument name="thePage" type="string" required="true">
        <cfset var tempCall = setupWireboxLite()>

            <cfif FindNoCase("",CGI.Server_Name) neq "0" and CGI.Server_Port_Secure eq "0">
            <cfif CGI.Script_Name neq "/msc.cfm">
            <cflocation url="" Addtoken="No">
            <CFLOCATION url="" Addtoken="No">

        <cfset application.right_now = now()>
        <cfinclude template="#arguments.thePage#">
gpickin commented 4 years ago

I changed the case, and it seemed to not remove it... so it looks like case is the reason.

jcberquist commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report, this is fixed in v0.14.1